Hart Brachen on life's rich trolley:
OK, so after more than an year of not regularly doing the Soxaholix, my creative muse has returned. I've got something new up my sleeve. It won't be a continuation of Soxaholix but something different, something semi-regular, and hopefully something that some of you will enjoy checking out and following. And from time to time I'm sure baseball, Red Sox, and Soxaholix type themes will creep in. I've got some prep work to do before I can launch the new thing, but hopefully it'll be soon, as in days or a couple of weeks and not months. I'll post updates here.
— Hart
The Soxaholix eBook Spinoff
The captivating and long awaited Soxaholix eBook spinoff is finally available!
There's No Crying in Pocket Pool
Logo t-shirts now available, several colors, even pink.