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Now with moveable joints

Well, looks like the coronation of Jackie Bradley Jr is a few years off still. He's getting send down to triple-A.


Perfect. Give the dauphin two weeks worth to feast on inferior pitching to get his confidence back. Then back he comes with a vengeance when the rosters expand.


I admiah your optimism.


In the near future, we'll be watching JB Jr. win Gold Gloves while being waited on by our Dutch Wives.


I love the future.



My, my, my you humans just go lower and lower and lower.
I do not need an expensive mannequin for me to be pleasured. Explains why the butler is scrimping on the finer things, like liver snaps.

The futah never comes (look it up).


I like the Dauphin reference. Notice how the best pitchers are breaking down like the cup cars after 300 miles of racing flat out?
Hmm. I am in NASCAR mode. That is better than dealing with this aggravating team.
Me thinks we've hit the safer barrier, and have some handling issues that crash made worse.

I think I'm turning Japanese,I really think so,think so,think so. ;O

Saw a great movie on Netflix this weekend - 'The Battered Bastards of Baseball'.

I thought Rusney Castillo was going to replace JBJ. Just like the Dutch Wives are replacing all the women of earth.

As for me, I want neither a silicone sister nor a manager mister. Besides, haven't we women been complaining for years that guys never look at our eyes? How would THEY know if they're more realistic?

But yarnista, they told me you got what it takes!

define "eyes"

If you're old enough then this is your future. It's my future, and where's all the neat stuff I was promised? Where's the Mars base and the flying cars? All I got is the memory of 3 championships, Facebook time-wasting, and binge-watching TV. Meanwhile I wait to see if the next tide takes my house away.

db, you have a talking cat. There's that

db, there is the writing cat.
Try dealing with that.
He is a pain.
He is Dustin Pedroia.
Without the results, but with the ego. I deal with that.
He looks in anger.
No Liver Snaps.

I think we're shifting from The Soxaholix to The Catatonix ;D

"We feel we have finally got something that is arguably not distinguishable from the real thing."

Can't argue
Can't deny you
Won't cost you money after you take it home

You have to dress it
You have to pose it
You have to clean it
...I mean it's basically a paraplegic that you don't have to feed. A cute one, but nobody's ever said "I wish I could marry a coma patient!".

...although I'm sure for the right price,Doc.

Oh, the robotics part is coming along too. It will be an odd world in the future.

I assume I'll miss all this robot sex but I heard some scientist the other day saying that life extension stuff over the next 10 years is going to be profound even for us older farts.

Or I'll be in a box. With the cat. Who may or may not be dead.

Well played,Sir-Well played. ;D

hb, Check out the Futurama episode: "Proposition Infinity".(Also, "Love and Robot", or "I Dated a Robot".) Might be happening sooner than Matt Groening thought it might.
JBJ is back, as Middlebrooks returns to his normal position for the Sox: the 15 day DL for a hamstring issue. And so it goes...

If there's air in the coffin, I'll eat human flesh. I can be picky, but in a pinch, I even eat store brand dry "Cat Food", albeit reluctantly.

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