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When is Monday like a Friday?

Your omniscient author in absentia:
Sorry, I've just got too much work shit going on this morning. I have a strip partially written in my head, but don't have the time to type it all out.



that's about right. for this team.


Grasshopper: Work is for those who have a desire to be dominated by someone they have contempt for.

Coming to work after a vacation is bad enough. But add to that the kind of humidity that strangles plow horses, and an Orange line train so packed with people that we were speaking sardine-ian, and it's just been delightful this morning, just delightful.

I see the Rays are bitching about Ortiz not showing proper respect after his HR in the first inning. I guess they need to gin up ticket sales by creating the potential for bench clearing brawls?

About Sunday's victory, aside from Papi's homer, I'd say the takeaway is the new pitcher. Webster got off the plane from triple-A and held the hot Rays (nine wins in a row) to two runs in 5 innings. Not brilliant, but hopeful. Plus, I always love those three Ks in a row from Koji. His signature.

I cannot imagine a more pleasant place to be than in a sardine can.

He'd feel completely different if he'd been in a nearly forty year old subway car with no air conditioning that's overloaded with people that you'd just as soon be nowhere close to. that is, unless you were being paid or were serving a sentence.

If only

"Not only did Ortiz hit a three-run home run, ...he made the Rays cry..." Now that's about the only fun thing to yak about this Monday.

Sorry. lc. Not my style...

Can we send Felix to China?

Felix is not leaving. Lester might be, I strongly suspect he'll sign with the MFY's before Thanksgiving. Then, we shall despise him.

Ya, I wouldn't bother with a strip today, either. That team sucks.


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