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Summer Vacation 2014 (placeholder 02 for comments)

Your omniscient author in absentia:
My overlong, gratuitous vacation is still going. See you back here on or about July 7, 2014.

Keep your Sox on and keep your days creepy.



The season has reached the second half, and I'm optimistic. Sure, the glass is half full of urine, but that means there's half a glass available for beer. Of course, at that point you'll be drinking a half urine/half beer, but you have to look on the bright side: At least it's not Miller Light.

No Bob,that would be Bud light ;O

Nope, Coors Light. Awful stuff.

$5 I-C light. Need I say more?

Isn't that Schmidt's? Or am I dating myself? Nice to be off the west coast and to take 2/3 from the Yankees. Here's hoping they can string more 7-3 streaks rather than 3-7 streaks.

Mookie Betts reported that the Yankee fans were yelling awful things at him. Surprised, I am.

Mookie Betts reported that the Yankee fans were yelling awful things at him. Surprised, I am.

If Drew hadn't finally got that hit and RBI, Fenway fans would be yelling awful things at him. 4/21 RISP, and yet they win 2 of 3. The mfy's glass is half full of piss as well.

Was that a great pitching performance, or the anemic Red Sox bats back at work (or unemployment as the case may be)?

Odd, isn't it? The only guys that got hits had no business being there.

I'm tasting more piss than beer in my half full glass today...

Tastes like "Old Bohemian" to me,maybe a little "Fort Schuyler" on the side. :D

I wonder if the Sox bats have EBT cards, that get charged up today? Just asking. Now, why isn't the butler getting me a liver snap? I say, you, there!

Can someone explain please why there is a fat man over there in the corner talking to himself in this itty bitty kitty voice?

One run in two games against the Cubs. That's a rap on 2014 kids. See ya'll next year.

That may have been the ugliest game of the year. Just awful.

Can we bring back the Veets?

These guys are the big suck right now but can't hate 'em - WS #3 and all. Need someone to channel my inner rage.

Well, Pedroia is hitting,so that's good. Other brights spots include this floater in my left eye.

Don trying to be a dentist? Jerry letting him do it? (I won't go there, relax, humans.)The butler was doing Bailey's Ice Cream, so he is likely to be a bit slow for a while.

I wonder if our summer hours apply to the Thursday before a holiday? I guess I'll just have to leave and see what happens.

Have a great 4th of July weekend all. Hopefully we'll have something fun to yak about on Monday.

Only 3 games behind Houston and Arizona for the consolation prize - I think we can get there!

nothing to see, here

A's pick up Jeff Samardzija and Jason Hammel. Looks the this year's AL rep in the WS is coming from Oakland...

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