Livin' is easy
Look out world, here comes anothah winning streak.
Don't look now but there's still optimism out there.
Why not? It's June and we have a whole summah ahead of us.
Seriously, even if they ruin my summah they won't ruin my summah.
Speaking of summah...
I'll be on vacation starting a week from tomorrow and won't be back July 7th.
Yeah, it's a long one. Gotta make hay when the sun shines.
Posted by: h.b. | 2014.06.09 at 09:28 AM
That's what Shamus Beaglehole ;O
Posted by: Harwich Rich | 2014.06.09 at 09:31 AM
said. hahaha
Posted by: Harwich Rich | 2014.06.09 at 09:32 AM
I feel ya, hb. 2014 is acting a lot like 2012, minus an election.
Judging by all that time off, you might be going into the "lets kick the tires" with retirement mode from this strip of creepiness.
You DID say we could keep our strip, but...
Posted by: Cmdrflake | 2014.06.09 at 09:38 AM
Try my lifestyle. I will be going to my sunny spot and sleeping until the maid decides to unleash the noise and dust machine, she calls a vacuum cleaner. So, I shall go over by the back room, and lie on the sofa the butler says is obscenely filthy. He was in a funk until he saw Papi's bomb. Now he happy.
Posted by: Chairman Meow | 2014.06.09 at 09:44 AM
Enjoy, hb. I have the entire month of June off before starting a new job. It's been absolute poolside bliss so far.... With today's rain, off to a double feature movie....Catch ya in July, creepsters.
Posted by: Natalie | 2014.06.09 at 09:58 AM
I turned the game off when they went down 3-2, assuming another loss. Nice surprise this morning. Enjoy the vaca, hb! And Nat too!
Posted by: soxinsix | 2014.06.09 at 10:06 AM
Long vacations are so nice. Not that I've ever had one, mind you. Two weeks is the most I've ever been able to beaglehole at one time. And yes, I'm using "beaglehole" as a verb. I also think it would make a fine noun, depending on how sexual or perverted the context is. Making it possible to be a verb and noun within the same sentence, eg., "I'd beaglehole that beaglehole."
Posted by: Bob | 2014.06.09 at 10:08 AM
You will be missed, hb, vacation in Colorado and Washington.
Posted by: lc | 2014.06.09 at 10:15 AM
Just a reminder that my vacation doesn't start until next week. I'll be here all week along with the veal.
LC: I may take a long weekend trip over to CO this fall. That Mary Jane candy bar that Maureen Dowd ate sounds wonderful.
This vacation will start in Austria and finish in Turkey with stops between in Hungary and Romania.
Posted by: h.b. | 2014.06.09 at 10:21 AM
Try the schnitzel!
Posted by: Chip | 2014.06.09 at 11:30 AM
Posted by: Cmdrflake | 2014.06.09 at 12:02 PM
I still haven't managed to string together a two week vacation. Unless you want to count unemployment, in which case I've had a few 3 month vacations.
Posted by: COD | 2014.06.09 at 12:12 PM
Make a stop in Bulgaria-It's beautiful. (and you're in the neighborhood) ;)
Posted by: Harwich Rich | 2014.06.09 at 02:24 PM
Bulgaria sounds great, but my wife and I are actually going as guests of a generous benefactor, so the itinerary is out of our hands.
Posted by: h.b. | 2014.06.09 at 02:47 PM
Cool, hb is hanging with Count Chocula.
Posted by: lc | 2014.06.09 at 03:33 PM
Try Melbourne. Great footy. But it's cold and wet.
Posted by: soxdownunder | 2014.06.09 at 04:25 PM