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This time we mean it

Has a 2-game win streak in May evah felt so good?


Look the Red Sox are winning again...


This shit is for realz.



Jessica Simpson will fatten up again.
Kim Kardashian will dump her latest victim, when the cameras are on.
The 2004 idiots are having a get together. "We got boy's club here!" The old 1-5, looking for a tee time and face time.

So good,so good,so good.

And just when CHB had his "Start of new losing streak?" column all ready to go.

Can they just play the Braves for the rest of the season?

RIP Maya Angelou.

I know why the caged bat swings.

at the risk of being part of the problem, it looks like she can't stand upright without pole aid. Gravity is a cruel mistress.

cue "pole aid" references

That's right. I am "The Goat".



Ah, the old song: I am the Goat/ I am an island...
Simon and Garfunkel, according to my sources Simon is an MFY fan, Garfunkel? No one cares anymore.

The cat has sources now?

Gronkowski is healthy again...

Jessica at the playboy mansion driving range?

I find The Goat to be surly. And why doesn't it have a cutesy name? "Bucky Bleating Dent" or "Vice President Baaaden." (Do goats "baaa"?)

How big is the parity right now? You can lose 10 in a row and still only be 5 out of a Wild Card spot.

Parity on, Wayne!

Lots of Jerry Trupiano clips on WEEI today. God Bless.


This shit IS for realz all right... it warranted a capital "L" from lc

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