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Misty water-colored memories

Well, it's kind of a low bah these days now that Jurassic Carl has retiahed.


The days when dinosaurs nevah roamed the earth...



Hey,it's not rocket science...or is it???

Only Carl could have come up with the CH=B theory for special bouyfriendivity.

Boy. Bouyfriend is another type of relationship entirely, involving a lot of head bobbing.

Oh, no, a bromance may be brewing, here.

Thanks for the laughs. Cueing up T. Rex right now. "Bang a gong."

Bang the gong/get (him) on git on. Help. Oh. Won't. Go away.
"Oh, boy I can't remember how to get out of this song"- Chico Marx
Stay Creepy My Friends.

Apparently dinosaurs can throw out the first pitch in San Diego... http://tinyurl.com/nau2tpb

At least our other Carl owned a library. He didn't break much up though 'cept for an entire clubhouse.

Anyone else notice that a clip from 2001 referenced by our fearless leader in a strip is the #1 most popular video on MLB.com?

HB, you are the man...

That week seemed like it took forever. But I checked with the folks who run the atomic clock, and it didn't.

Have a great weekend all. Hopefully we'll have something fun to yak about on Monday.

Let's go Bs.

(Translation: I got muffin')


FCOL Yu gotta be kiddin' me. Papi up. Just wants this over with. Thank you Papi. Still gonna lose, tho...

Sucks to be Yu... And I'll be damned if the Strangers are that good, though Darvish was dealing a gem, our offense looked outright offensive and not in the manner we were hoping for!

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