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Flipping it around

19 and 18, brothahs and sistahs.


God is in his heaven and all is right with the world.


Winnahs in 6 of their last 8 and 2 games out of 1st?


God's all in heaven and going "Yeah, but that backflip tho?"



2 out of 3 in Texas AND Papi breaks up a no-no with 2 out in the 9th? All is right again for sure. Well, at least today.

Yes, the return of my favorite spot for the season is just as welcome. Not as welcome NASCAR and the annual carpet cleaning, but the butler is of good cheer, as are Sox fans in general. Now, can they sustain it?

"boston, 19-18" -- doesn't give anyone the chills any more.

Ron Washington intentionally walked Big Papi in the first inning? WTF?

Well that's smarter than Maddon intentionally walking Pedroia in front of Big Papi...

I'll just be happy to see Friday strips again. ;D

The meeting just ended.

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