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There's always lunch

This morning I'm feeling like Sizemore on that Murphy bloop in the 3rd.




Somehow we'll survive.


Sunset. Sunrise. Lunch.


I'm thinking shawarma.


Heavy on the tzatziki.


It's the only way.



A good sandwich is its own reward.

I had an awful turkey club last night. It was named "The Red Sox."

Yuck. Still only 1 game back though. Meanwhile, RIP Ultimate Warrior.

The Marlins are 5-3. Things will shake out to normal soon enough.

I'll have the Lou Gorman...

I'm thinking along the lines of a SUBWAY® Flatizza™...

The "Flatizza" is the future of pizza, after the food Czarina and the Food Police get their way.

When the Butler tells me that if I want my Fancy Feast, I can get it, I might put the claws to work.

"Enjoy every sandwich." Warren Zevon

Sizemore looks both uncertain off the bat and slow out there. If he could just shed the two-step in center...

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