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Monday but not much to yak about

I've got nothing.


Yeah, it's happened again...


We wait and wait thru the long, cold offseason for the staht of Spring Training and then Spring Training arrives and... well, that's about it.


Hey, c'mon now we've got not one but two Mike Carp stories.


It's a crocus blooming under 2 feet of snow.


Does it make a sound?



Well, when Papi sees that he has only a line or two, his contract song and dance will warm up for another act.

Yeah, things will heat up. Like the warmth of the weekend that came with an inch of putting a foot-long icicle in my head.

I hope they start showing baseball again. The butler watches NASCAR, which is no big deal until they have "Crank It" a segment when the announcers shut up and the car noise is louder. I find that annoying, but not nearly as annoying, as the MFYs broadcasters.

Bob, check for ice dams.
@cat super cool NASCAR reference, buddy.


The great Harold Ramis is dead.

Too bad. Loved him in Stripes. And Caddyshack is one of the classics.

Looks like not much to yak about on Tuesday either.

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