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Fridays Still Off

In a group of Soxaholix, a woman speaks:
The offseason may officially be over.


In a group of Soxaholix, a woman speaks:
But no Soxaholix Fridays are still very much on.



His cat thinks he is creepy, and beneath him.
He is the creepiest man in the world.
"I am not always creepy, but when I am I read Soxaholix.
Stay creepy my friends."

It's one of the few days HB doesn't strip.

HA! See that? "Strip"? Like a stripper pole with HB on it? Hilarious, Bob, just pure comedy gold.

you here all week, Bob?

stay the course. it got us this far.


I'm eating the veal, ain't I?

so much for the gold

hooray for bronze. nothing like being the second place loser.

So we have to keep Beiber?


Have a great weekend all. Hopefully we'll have something fun to yak about on Monday.

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