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Brass tacks

Your omniscient author in absentia:
I'm sorry, folks, between my mind being nearly totally occupied with day job stuff and there not being a lot of news I can grab latch onto to spin a strip around, I've got nothing.

Worse, I worry how tenable this situation is going into the season.



Oh, it's tenable. Don't get all tenable with me.

Just a reminder Creepy peeps, hb DID say we could keep our strip. Just saying.

Mike Carp saw his shadow today, meaning we have six more weeks of HB worrying about whether or not the future of this strip is tenable.

I have faith, HB will pull through. He always does.

As with most things in life, I take what I can get and try not to expect too much more. Whatever is tenable for you h.b. will be house money for me...Putting it all on red!

In other news, my Twitter feed is FAR more delightful now than it's been in months, what with all sorts of Spring Training pics. I can almost believe that baseball season and warmer weather is nigh....

Take some time off hb. No worries here in the Rocky Mountains. Looking forward to 8-more weeks of skiing and many more trips to the dispensary...

Then a trip to the grocery for more Nachos!

What everyone else said, h.b.

Except that I'm putting all the house money on teal. Same bet, bigger payoff... :)

can't Lisa do strips if HB is out?

There will be plenty of storylines as we get to late March and into the season, no worries. Tanaka-san will get off to a 10-0 start, CC will be CC again, Red Sox Nation will start to panic, and then you'll have all the pathos you need to crank out strips.

The only question is: should I have sativa or indica when I visit Safeco?

Off to Florida next week to visit the old folks. They live a short distant from the Mets spring training stadium. Looking forward to some baseball.

I'm sure Slappy will work his way into a thread or 5. No way he stays out of the spotlight all year.

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