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You may kiss the pennant

I went to a wedding and the Grammys broke out.


You know I'm so glad the Grammys had the courage to shine a spot light on the gay marriage issue because if there's one thing we just don't spend enough time discussing in this country it's gay marriage.


They should have a mass wedding at Fenway this summah...


Gay, straight, devout, atheist, whatevah, the only requirement is that the betrothed couple be unrepentant Red Sox fans.


Seriously. And Big Papi should officiate the nuptials.


"...to be your lawfully wedded partner, during multirun leads and during blown saves, in homerun derbys and in 13 L.O.B.s, in slumps and streaks, I will love you and hate the Yankees all the days of my life..."



How many times must I tell you humans that all that ceremony is just to keep businesses and opportunistic leeches "in business". But, I am of the aristocracy as my butler tells me. He nearly married a Long Island Princess and says I have the same mindset. I AM NOT a Long Island Princess, whatever that is.

"You may now kiss Big Papi"

this interspecies shit is a slippery slope.

If anyone here knows any reason why these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your piece of Fenway sod.

lc, ever comprehend Robosexual marriage? The human- (flesh/ meatbags, to Bender) robot marriage issue developed in a few episodes of Futurama, Matt Groening's best show, if a bit weird and left-leaning...
Bender is great.-Bender

Sign me up. Mrs. Ponch and I can renew the vows beneath the romantic 'Other Games' section of the scoreboard

Count me in-I'm always on the lookout for the next "Ex Mrs. Rich"

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