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Rig boat for dive

I am sorry, Ben, but a Watanbe in the hand is not worth a Tanaka in the bush.


Hey, but it's always good to have a submariner in the system.


But considering he's old, throws the ball about 20 mph and hasn't had an ERA below 3.5 since 2007 his submarine sounds like the Kursk.



Why compare a niche player to? Wait. OK, role player. Get so-and-so out. That's this guys role.
Let's enjoy a weekend in Patriot Mode and then perhaps, we can discuss the virtue of a role player versus a plaYER!

How much they paying him? If not too much, they can always drop a depth charge.

Wonderful Wikipedia sentence about Watanabe:

"He holds the Japanese record for skipping stones, recorded on a show on Nippon Television. Chiba Lotte Marines manager Bobby Valentine made an appearance on the show as well."

>>throws up in mouth<<


RIP Professor :(

...and The Partridge Families manager too. I feel like the Grim Reaper ;O

Oh, Fridays off, right?

Yeah, I got nothing today even if it wasn't an off day.

My head is still really clouded from the surprising finish to 2013.

You and me both. Stay creepy, my friends.

Reuben Kinkaid, gone but not forgotten: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIUPgqnc0Zc

Go Pats! I'll be at the game. I am hoping for a better result than 2006. Win or lose it has been an exciting season.

The RS are not above .500, so there's that.


Okay, have a great weekend all. Hopefully we'll have something fun to yak about on Monday.

I might be a little sporadic posting next week, as I'm having a a minor medical procedure. Nothing serious at all, but I literally can't be around people so I have the week off.

HB wrote, "His submarine sounds like the Kursk." Very nice, obscure reference, HB.

Bob, are you suggesting somehow that we're not people?? best of luck and speedy recovery

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