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Aurora comes in view

Welcome back, Doug, I'm assuming you had a suitably high time in Colorado?


I tell you what, there's nothing quite like watching the Northern Lights while enjoying a potent and fully legal strain of Northern Lights.


Would you evah considah moving out there perm?




Wow, seriously? You'd leave the Red Sox and the beaches and clams for the mary jane? I had no idea your degree of commitment.


Don't forget I like hiking and skiing, too, you know.


So noted.



Rocky Mountain hiiiiiiiiiigh!!

Truck. Day. Now.


What the over / under on the date the first Colorado or visiting player is caught partaking of the ganja?

What the over / under on the date the first Colorado or visiting player is caught partaking of the ganja?

Probably happen by 4/20

Well played Harwich, well played.

I would put the over/under around the first of April. They have an NBA team out there, though they are not exactly playing like they'd be the sort of guys that would toke a spleef, mon.

Keep repeating to myself: The characters are not HB, the characters are not HB...

I want to open a dispensary that only sells cannabutter-based/infused foods and call it "Weed Eater".

Brandon Spikes out for the season/playoffs/year. The defense that's left: Katy Perry, the guy in the Old Spice commercials, and Grumpy Cat.

Welcome back, creepaholix. We've missed youse* (''cept for the rotten cat).

[*Australian for you'all.]

Incidentally, did anybody listen to the espn radio call of the National Championship Game? It was the most biased, allegedly objective, commentary I have ever heard (well, at least since dick wit McCarver did the World Series).

over and out

I heard the winning touchdown call replayed this morning, but didn't hear any of the rest. I take it they were Florida State fans?

I would assume ESPN would be leaning SEC, seeing as they own the SEC Network.

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