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Friday on Thursday (and Monday)

In a group of Soxaholix, a woman speaks:
Fridays sure start early around here.

[Update 12/17: It's cold. I need another day. — h.b.]



** Mini Hiatus ***

Long weekend out of town for some family Christmas gathering, see you on Tuesday, if there's something to form a strip around.

Have a good weekend, hb. It's the office holiday party here tonight and I am scrambling to postpone client meetings tomorrow as my 38-year old liver is in mortal fear for its life... Chin chin, creepsters!

...and anything fun to yak about. ;D

Have fun. You know, like that sign language guy in South Africa did.

Enjoy the weekend, too bad, you can't slide under the water heater and doze for hours among the dust bunnies, snug and smug.

Just hope everyone can survive w/out HB for a few days...and


Stocked up awhile back in case of this impending doom. Although they claim there won't be a shortage.

@Nat - are you wearing teal to the holiday party?

Niiiice! 5-day beer cart!

Wow this has been a looooong week. I actually woke up Wednesday, turned off the alarm, and said to myself, "Why did I set that for Saturday morning?"

Jacoby looks awful in a Skanks uniform.

Have a great weekend all. Hopefully we'll have something fun to yak about on Monday. Even though HB isn't back until Tuesday.

yes, but at least the MFY clubhouse will smell like flowers now....

UI've been doing some Christmas shopping. Lord of the Rings Lego set, 3/4 kid's Strat, rainforest inflatable pool. And that's just for me.

Weekend trifecta. Peter O'Toole, Joan Fontaine, and Tom Laughlin. Plus Nicholas Brody thrown in for good measure.

update 12/17 -- hb, definitely take it as it comes -- let the thumb (and other fingers) rest, we'll need you in the spring...

The Chairman is looking at me and I am wondering what that lazy feline is thinking. He is a leisure creature, a non-action figure. Emi isn't. The little one played in the snow while I tried to shovel. The Chairman gave her a look that said: "Have you any idea who you are?"

hb, Come to the lazy side of the force...

I like it cold. My office thermostat is set to "Morgue," slightly cooler than the next setting, "Meat Locker."

Our mantra for the past 25 years has been 'we are not retiring in a cold part of the country'. Any suggestions for tranquil, warm, and coastal? Florida is not an option.

Yazbread: Two words: New Guniea.
Port Moresby, which has yet to be "discovered", has an ideal tropical climate. Never mind the fish, arachnids, insects and snakes all trying to get you.

SDU-feel free to weigh in ;O

Shell Beach, California.

mfy pay $28 mil in luxury tax, fail to make playoffs... SWEET

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