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Thanksgiving Break

Your omniscient author in absentia:
Well, this seems like the right time to go ahead and shut down for the Thanksgiving holiday.

See you back here the first week of December, and they we'll go from there.

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!



Happy Turkey Day, creeps. And thanks hb and all for another entertaining year.

The ten year old 'Sox fan is forcing me to watch the AFL draft. Collingwood has two picks in the first round, he says. I have so created a monster. Happy thanksgiving to all my American friends.

Try to keep your sanity while those around you are losing theirs.

From the folks at Sports Illi about the MFY's new $85mil catcher:
The Braves certainly got their money’s worth from McCann, but it’s far from certain that the Yankees will.
Any bets?

Happy Turkey day hb

Hope everyone has a safe and fun Thanksgiving Holiday!

Thanks to the Red Sox for a terrific, if completely unexpected, world championship season. Thanks to h.b. and all you creeps for making it that much more fun. And thanks to the almighty God (no matter which one you pray to) that all of my family, and as far as I know, all you creeps, had a safe year.

And thank you to Tom Brady, for not allowing the Patriots to be embarrassed on national television last night.

I go to bed thinking the Pats will drop to 7-4 and they are really a 6-5 team without that win against the Saints. Wake up and they are 8-3 with a fairly easy schedule the rest of the way. Christmas has come early.

Thanks for another awesome year, HB. Enjoy your bird, fellow creeps. I will be in a house full of MFY fans and I will be INSUFFERABLE.

yep...ditto all the above. Many reasons for to be thankful.

crazy. We might be getting a little spoilt.

Have a good holiday.


Reasons to be cheerful (part 3)

I'm Thankful for being alive after last night's game. Got home about 3:00. I'm still totally exhausted, have no voice, and feel the onset of gout. All in all, a perfect night.

Hit me with your turkey stick,hit me..hit me. ;O

"For summer being ended, all things stand in appearance with a weatherbeaten face, and the whole country, full of woods and thickets, represented a wild and savage hew."
- Nathaniel Morton

You see what happens, Larry, when hb takes an hiatus?

Happy 10th anniversary of Theo's Schilling Thanksgiving Dinner.

Do you see what happens, Larry, when HB takes an hiatus? Do you see what happens when you FUCK a stranger in the arse?


Lightweights ;D

Bunch of fucking amateurs

Great minds think alike ;O

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