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More awards...

I'd like to wish a fervent congratulations to Max Scherzer on winning the AL Cy Young.


And by "fervent" you, of course, mean, "Haha too bad for that bullpen meltdown in Game 6 that blew your no-hitting us through 7!"


Of course.


I love having the cocky swaggah back.


There's nothing like it.



Anyone else feel like it is beautiful dream from which we have yet to awake?

In addition what the guys say in the strip, don't forget that we gave Scherzer one of his three losses in the regular season.

...and the Academy award goes to...Gronk!! ;D

After Kershaw won, I saw a poster for the Dodgers that shows how they have the most Cy Young awards over the years. Isn't it nice not to have to resort to that?

"The only people that take awards seriously are fans and agents."- Lou Gorman during an interview he gave my school paper back in the day. It is quite revealing even 40 years on.

My butler loves ruminating on how close he came to being a sports writer. Delusional dope.

Amen Bob. Makes me think of Duquette and his "more days in first place" line. So glad those days are over.

Game 2, right?

...and here's hoping the Sox use that swagger in dealing with Boras.

the road goes on forevah...


"Fuck the Tigers! (Woohoo) and that smarmy righthander Scherzer
Not to mention their Ace Verlander
And that guy that we had with a sweet girl’s name.
[reprise] x2
To the Series! Every night’s gonna be a good night
Every night's gonna be a good night
Every night's gonna be a good good night"

shit don't get old

I Scherzer a free agent. Can we buy him? Please.

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