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Happy Veterans Day

Hart Brachen:
Let's give a big tip o' the cap to all the veterans out there, and especially to those who are part of our creepy community of Soxaholix here.



I'll toss back a shot a little later for you guys and gals, creepy or creepier.

Yak with a vet today, and say thanks.

Thanks h.b., and thanks to all the other vets out there, especially those struggling with PTSD and other disabilities.

Fenway is open to all vets today for free tours and such... sometimes the brass over there does get it after all

Thank you to all who have served

Big thanks to all VOFWs (especially the Sox fans), real heroes. I am one of the lucky that never had to face it and hope I never do. GBA.

I'm not a vet, but my wife and I just walked through the cemetery in our small NH town and made sure the graves with the flags were clean. Some of these go back to the Revolutionary War.

Looks like a bunch of comments got routed by TypePad into Spam folder the past few days. If yours vanished, this is why.

I'll try to take a peek in there more often. If something does vanish, feel free to mention it or send email so it reminds me to check the spam folder for comments.

Not sure why some get flagged. At one time all of LC's were getting marked, but that seems to be fixed now.

Did Schrödinger's cat end up in the spam folder?

//Did Schrödinger's cat end up in the spam folder?//

I'm afraid to look.

about the cat: yes and no.

Ellsbury, Napoli, Drew decline qualifying offers.

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