What's the opposite of a nailbitah?
Well, I sure hope St. Louis is feeling the appropriate World Series "vibe."
Let's see... posh hotel close to the pahk? Check.
First class room service and lots of late night food options? Check.
Mental preparedness to be on one of the biggest stages in all of sport? Hey, we fucking forgot something ovah heah!
Well, that first inning could have been worse... I mean as far as I know nobody can connect it to the rollout of HealthCar.gov.
You knew the assorted muses and demigods had decided to favah us once the bad call on Pedroia go ovahturned.
Yeah, and when even Buck and McCahvah who wear Cardinals jammies to bed each night were giving accolades to the Red Sox from the very staht of the telecast you knew something was in the air.
What an absolutely fantastic staht.
Bring on the Wacha!
Release the Lacken!
Lackenwacka. Oh, yeah.
Posted by: cmdrflake | 2013.10.24 at 10:14 AM
3 more like that please.
Posted by: COD | 2013.10.24 at 10:16 AM
The game got the butler quite wicked amped. So he got pizza, garlic knots and wings. The boxes and empty beer cans are everywhere. Must have been wicked awesome for the old guy. Oh, and the B's kicked ass, too. Perfect night.
Posted by: chairman meow | 2013.10.24 at 10:20 AM
Somebody has to say it (well, not really, but I'm going to): Wish we could have saved some of those runs for tonight.
Posted by: Bob | 2013.10.24 at 10:25 AM
Somebody wet their jammies.
Posted by: SAC | 2013.10.24 at 10:27 AM
maagiline arv on kolm.
Posted by: louclinton | 2013.10.24 at 10:30 AM
The Tigers series was like sex without... you know. Every game was tense and had that could-have-gone-either-way feeling. I'm ready for multiple... release, and last night was a good start.
Posted by: ParkerStPete | 2013.10.24 at 10:42 AM
The Cardinals played like they were wearing their jammies.
Posted by: Chip | 2013.10.24 at 10:44 AM
That overturned call reminded me of the Slappy McBlueLips play in the 2004 ALCS - I had a really, really good feeling after that. More spicy garlic wings tonight!
Posted by: Steve in MD | 2013.10.24 at 10:45 AM
Have pleasure of watching game with old friend who is in SL and is a rabid cards fan - texting during game. Glad to be me and not he.
And yes, lc, still.
Posted by: jeff in nc | 2013.10.24 at 10:53 AM
Napoli or Ortiz in St. Louis? I am leaning toward Napoli but Ortiz made the decision a bit more difficult after last night.
Posted by: yazbread | 2013.10.24 at 10:54 AM
Hey even Drew got a hit! Nice play Wainwright, hehe
Posted by: Soxinsix | 2013.10.24 at 11:10 AM
Hey even Drew got a hit! Nice play Wainwright, hehe
Posted by: Soxinsix | 2013.10.24 at 11:10 AM
It was hysterical to listen to McCarver and Buck insist the Sox needed to stop taking the first pitch as a new and important strategy, then to explain how their theory was still relevant after the score was 5-0. Time to depant a rookie.
Posted by: ponch | 2013.10.24 at 11:28 AM
I love how FOX spent so much time on the Beltran catch. The utter refusal to praise Boston is the stuff that hilarity is made of. But hey the plus is that Beltran was out for the rest of the game.
Posted by: Colin | 2013.10.24 at 11:41 AM
So far Beltran is the FOX MVP (Most Victimized Player) just like Avila was in the Tigers series.
Posted by: ParkerStPete | 2013.10.24 at 11:44 AM
I bet Wacha isn't feeling real good about the defense behind him tonight. Hey, don't worry rookie - the Sox never, ever swing at the first pitch... except when they crush it!
Posted by: Steve in MD | 2013.10.24 at 11:55 AM
Beltran is going to have a bit of a hitch in his swing from that bruise. Changing the score of the game from 10-1 to 8-1 may not have been worth it. I think it's a coin flip between Napoli and Ortiz in St. Louis, but I tend towards Ortiz just because I think he's more menacing to the pitchers.
I've seen those "look away while you're reaching for the ball and miss it" and "I've got it, I've got it, no, you've got it" plays on numerous Little League and girl's fast pitch softball diamonds. But do that 4 times in a game against any major league team, never mind the Red Sox, and you're not going to like what the scoreboard says.
Posted by: RonF | 2013.10.24 at 12:02 PM
Anyone else think the Cardinals' lineup looks rather small?
Posted by: yazbread | 2013.10.24 at 12:03 PM
Papi took McYappy's advice. And crushed it. Against their lefty specialist. Yawn. At least someone's listening to His Eruditeness. Harrumph.
Posted by: Ghengis Ortiz | 2013.10.24 at 12:35 PM
Some nitwit (via ESPN) is suggesting Lestah is doing the Gaylord on his pitches. Give him a yob at the Glob. I'm getting the feeling we're not "America's Team". It makes me love them even more.
Posted by: Ghengis Ortiz | 2013.10.24 at 12:40 PM
A little off topic, and may have been discussed before, but what is with the dude wearing the headset behind home plate. At most games; but did not move a muscle, even a facial twitch during either Papi's or Vic's 'slams? (and I hope I'm not going to hell because he has some medical condition)...And what up with the two blondes sitting about 6 rows up behind the plate; did not stop yapping the entire game until one of them left early in the 8th. For god's sakes give the tix to someone who is going to enjoy and cherish a World Series game.
Posted by: vancouversoxfan | 2013.10.24 at 12:43 PM
Here is the story on Lester doctoring pitches. http://www.businessinsider.com/people-are-freaking-out-about-the-green-stuff-in-jon-lesters-glove-during-game-1-of-the-world-series-2013-10
Posted by: COD | 2013.10.24 at 12:45 PM
Headphones guy: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Yellow-Headphones-Guy-at-Fenway-Park/214803331885666
Posted by: ParkerStPete | 2013.10.24 at 12:52 PM
Mostly fastballs and nothing breaking outrageously...You are allowed to use pinetar and let's face it the umps look at balls after every "strange' pitch. I'm not buying the cheating claim.
PLus cards mgr said he had no complaint and no cards on the fiekd or in dugout complained. And the 2d base ump saw nothing untoward...okay maybe my last argument is weak.
Posted by: vancouversoxfan | 2013.10.24 at 12:52 PM
excuse my typos.
Posted by: vancouversoxfan | 2013.10.24 at 12:53 PM
Not buying the cheating allegation. Nothing broke outrageously and he threw mainly fastballs. You are allowed to use pinetar to improve grip. Cards at game including mgr had no complaint. PLus 2d base ump saw nothing untoward...okay my last argument is a little weak :)
Posted by: vancouversoxfan | 2013.10.24 at 12:55 PM
Sweet Jesus I must be drunk. I though my first tirade did not "post". Sorry folks, I'll stop.
Posted by: vancouversoxfan | 2013.10.24 at 12:57 PM
as long as we're discussing the truly burning issues, what's up with the people flashing those brightly colored discs behind home plate after every K? I only see them during the post season. Is this an updated "John 3:16" or something?
Posted by: buckner was framed | 2013.10.24 at 01:00 PM
Now being reported, that green, smegma-like substance seen in Lestah's glove was actually Cardinal doo doo...
Posted by: Ghengis Ortiz | 2013.10.24 at 01:05 PM
In re: headphones guy. The fellow's name is Jeremy Kapstein. He has some undetermined connection to the Red Sox front office. He is listed in some stories as a "senior advisor". He's a former agent. He’s the former president/CEO of the San Diego Padres and has served as Larry Lucchino’s senior adviser for more than 10 years with the Red Sox and with the Padres before that.
From the NYT: "Jerry Kapstein is a senior adviser on baseball matters in their front office and has been a longtime associate of Lucchino, beginning in San Diego. People who know both men say they could work together without getting in each other's way.
If Kapstein's name is familiar, it's because he was the first major player agent, representing many of the players in the first group of free agents in 1976. Kapstein left the agent business in 1989 before becoming the Padres' chief executive the next year.
His tenure was short-lived, though, ending two months later when his wife, Linda, daughter of Joan Kroc, the Padres' owner, filed for divorce." NYT
Whilst going under the name "Jerry Kapstein" in the '70's and 80's was a fairly notorious bargainer.SI
He was once Carlton Fisk's agent.Chicago paper
TL;DR Larry's pal.
Posted by: louclinton | 2013.10.24 at 01:27 PM
For some reason I can't get "3 little birds" out of my head today :).. "every little thing gonna be alright". If we get 3 more dominant pitching performances, then yes, every little thing will indeed be alright.
Posted by: rm | 2013.10.24 at 01:29 PM
In re: paddles behind home plate:
The Paddles read: 三振 (sanshin) = strikeout
Posted by: louclinton | 2013.10.24 at 01:31 PM
In re: blondes behind home plate. Stub Hub is listing seats in Field Box 45, Row E, for $1652 a pop. You figure it out.
Posted by: louclinton | 2013.10.24 at 01:36 PM
Thanks lc and Pete.
Posted by: vancouversoxfan | 2013.10.24 at 01:41 PM
Quite a bit more about Jerry Kapstein, per Jerry Crasnick
Posted by: louclinton | 2013.10.24 at 01:49 PM
AKA Jerzy Kosinski, author of "Being There." Behind home plate that is.
Posted by: Bob | 2013.10.24 at 02:43 PM
I fell asleep before both grand slams were jacked and woke up to winning scores. I joked with my boss (also a Red Sox fan) that if the Sox's postseason success relies on my level of fatigue, then I will do my duty and go to bed early ever night.
My boss texted me at 9:40 last night with this simple missive: "Go to bed." So I did.
Posted by: Beth | 2013.10.24 at 03:28 PM
surly but informative?
Posted by: buckner was framed | 2013.10.24 at 03:47 PM
Ah, some of you DO go to the dark side...
Posted by: chairman meow | 2013.10.24 at 04:58 PM
Blow me
Posted by: Louclinton | 2013.10.24 at 05:04 PM
Papi vs Napi in StL: hard to remember b/c too much chronic and brain mush...but didn't Ortiz make a couple of pretty fine defensive plays in St L in '04?
Posted by: urm t m in J | 2013.10.24 at 05:52 PM
@Natalie - if you look behind home plate a the Fenway games, you will probably spot that gambling tycoon guy we sat with in the Bronx (and who I'd sat with in 2009!). He was there for Game 1 WS and at least two of the ALCS games.
Otherwise, what lc said on each occasion over the last two or three days.
Posted by: soxdownunder | 2013.10.24 at 06:09 PM
this gambling tycoon guy (with son in foreground):
Posted by: soxdownunder | 2013.10.24 at 06:14 PM
Ah, now to my safety zone. May the butler not get too loud.
Posted by: chairman meow | 2013.10.24 at 07:07 PM
That gambling tycoon certainly hides the fact that he has money. He kind of looks like Frank from Gloucester.
Posted by: Bob | 2013.10.25 at 09:42 AM
Had commitments, and so had to watch Games 1 & 2 today after imposing a sports blackout upon myself, including this fun bunch. Glad I wasn't the only one wondering about the yellow headphone guy and the neon paddles. Thanks for the info,and let's hope Kozma returns to his Game 1 form.
Posted by: Yarnista | 2013.10.25 at 06:27 PM