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Tough loss, keep faith

Scene from a church:
Remembah, brothahs and sistahs...


Father Tim:


Father Tim:
The devil does not possess a host for the purpose of doing harm to the host...


Father Tim:
No, the whole purpose of possession is to convince the witnesses that God could never love anyone so bestial and ugly.


Father Tim:
And we must be mindful of this when we hear the voice of Tim McCarvah.



Ugh. It wasn't pretty.

In re: McCarver.

Sweet Baby Jesu on the Cross, it's bad. I studied it whiilst the RS were flailing, and consider this:

TM never speaks in direct or active voice.

A normal person would say: " Jacoby Ellsbury had a good year stealing bases looking to his free agency."

TM: "When you think of stolen bases, Jacoby Ellsbury comes to mind, Ellsbury being the kind of guy who will be considered in the free Agent Sweepstakes after the year is over"

another example:

Normal person: "Jon Lester has changed his arm slot since the All-Star Break and has dominated most hitters."

TM: "Pitching-wise, most baseball people say that the Red Sox starter tonight, Jon Lester, has realized improved results in the last few months"

Sadly, now that I have the Key To McCarver, it doesn't change things. I think it is time to bring back the DVR-delay trick from 2007 to sync up the radio call with the pictures.



ps: why can't we get good pitchers like Sanchez. oh wait.

McCarver makes Buck Martinez sound like Vin Scully.
I'm with lc, I'll be syncing radio call with TV.

The cotton in my ears is soaking up the blood. He speaks like he is drunk, slow to form words. Recites stats contrary to the on screen graphics. He declares events to have occurred during the game that DID NOT occur. The icing? He does not know anything about the teams he is watching. Nada.

When even Joe buck is ignoring you, you are bad. TM repeats things he thinks were clever because JB did not comment the first TWO times. And both, BOTH, present AL games as though they are a cute JV version of the NL game. Fuck I hate those guys. A win tonight would surely help my redass.

What is this? My butler has given up and is going to bed, without some female of his species this early? My, my, my.

McCarver bad.
Strip great.
Game incredible.

Magic number = 7

These guys just don't quit! :).

Dustin Doubles in a run, Papi clears the bases, and Salty gets the game winner home.

Bonus, game finished in under 4 hr.

...and let us not forget the Pats ;)

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