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Something spectacular

Oh, Napoli!
You make me so happoli!


Pizza for lunch, Al?


Pizza for breakfast, lunch, and suppah.


You know we are in the midst of something spectaculah here, right?


Absolutely. As Pinto writes, "These are two good offenses. To see starting pitchers close down the teams like this is truly amazing. When good pitching faces good hitting, they should pull each other toward the mean. Instead, the pitching is pulling the hitting to the bottom."


And can you believe one of the close down pitchahs is Lackey?


If you told me in the April that Lackey would out duel Verlandah in a one-run Octobah ALCS game, well... you know the rest.


April? Hell, if you told me that yestaday aftahnoon I'd have say roll me a spliff of what you're smoking.


A big spliff.


A Prince Fieldah spliff, short and plump.



When you walk in a dream

But you know, you're not dreaming signore

Scuzza me, but you see

Back in old Napoli,

That's amore!

Spliff? Oh, yes a form of catnip for you humans, is it not?

Best game Lackey's ever pitched in a Sox uniform. Reminds me of Nancy Drew's grand slam back in 07 against Cleveland. Almost makes all the lack of production preceding it fade from memory. Not quite, but he really pitched a gem.

Can someone tell me why Tazawa and Uehara do not throw hundreds of pitches and nibble at the corners of the plate?

Things are pretty good.

y nifer hud yw chwe


If you didn't enjoy that game yesterday you simply don't like baseball.

Plus I love tongue-tying the pundits who insist on talking about Detroit's hot pitching. Yes, they're hot, but they're losing - we're hotter! Great series, let's shut it down here and, sadly but properly, keep it from returing to Fenway.

Plus I love tongue-tying the pundits who insist on talking about Detroit's hot pitching. Yes, they're hot, but they're losing - we're hotter! Great series, let's shut it down here and, sadly but properly, keep it from returing to Fenway.

It is like looking into the face of God and seeing him smiling back saying, "you are my most wondrous creation, oh Red Sox."

Or, looking into the face of Dog


Here's to keeping Fistah away from our no-no. Can I get an Amen? Or a good bark?

Would a growl do?
Didn't think so. I will be purring while the Sawx are up. I know the Empress has that franchise. Ah! liver snaps.

Bud, high-fives for everyone. These playoffs are weeding out the hitters from the pretenders. Anyone who doesn't give ALL of the pitchers credit should be stoned to death. I just wish more games started closer to 4:20 instead of 8 PM.


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