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No, this is the most wonderful time of the year

It is your time of mists and mellow fruitfulness.


Yes. I've gone to sit upon the lofty hill.


Do the waving woods and waters wild hymn an autumn sound?


They do...


But hear not the wind — view not the woods.

Look out o'er vale and hill—
There's baseball in Fenway still.


And A's and Tigahs... summer's sun is faint upon you...


Prepare for autumn's scathe.



A's or Tigers? Tigers or A's? I'm kind of rooting for the Tigers, because they haven't been hitting. Right now, they look like a version of Tampa Bay; all pitch, no hit. And you know what the Sox did to Tampa Bay.

I'm rooting for 18 innings in a cold wet rain, 9 pitchers per team, a half-dozen hit batsman, and good brawl.

Circle not viewing the wood?? Never gonna happen ;D

But the Tigers lineup is scary on paper, and if they revert to the mean in the ALCS...

kind of bummed that Pittsburgh is a victim of autumn's scathe. Went to PNC park on a frigid April evening and it was a very nice place to see a ball game. Would have been a nice venue for mid-October baseball too.

I saw a game at PNC just a few weeks ago. It's a beautiful ballpark.

Oh, and maybe a loose dog or two on the runway that delays the winning team's flight out to Boston for a few hours.

Ah, it should be fun watching hitters swing at balls they can't see for the first three innings, before the mound is in shadow. Meanwhile, every fly ball will be an adventure. Bring it on.
I had to notice that the Pirates and Cards got matters done in only 2:40! A game with the MFYs? After 2:40 they would be in the sixth inning, if there wasn't anything brewing that is.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry I could not travel both and be one traveler, long I stood and looked down one as far as I could to where it bent in the undergrowth; then took the other, because it led to the championship, mf's!

Two thoughts, far less poetic, but nonetheless part of my enjoyment of the game. And in particular the way I get to enjoy a Redsox style baseball game:

On long games - poor NL loving bastards. They only get 2.5 hr's of fun, we get 4+ regularly. A quickie vs. a long slow screw up against... And if I dont have time, I enjoy as much as I can then catch up and imagine the rest.

On postseason play.. "Kids, you know what's great? The Sox just moved on to the ALCS. that means MORE baseball, and that means me and your mom get to keep hosing up your evenings around the stupid box. Howdayalikemahbeard?! Oh YEA!"

I'm rooting for the Tigers & Cardinals. Let's keep this affair as close to Eastern Time as we can.

Mrs. Steve in MD also suggested that a cloud of gnats decending on the Oakland Alameda County stadium tonight would be nice as well.

Let me apologize. I thought you meant "scythe" instead of "scathe". Yes, I checked dictionary.com. Yes, I understand. But the image of either the A's or Tigers being harvested like so many tares is too good to pass up.

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