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Living the heck out of Luke 9:62

Scene from a church:
And so it is said...


Father Tim:
'Tis easiah for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle...


Father Tim:
An offense that does not wait for the salvation of the 3 run homah...


Father Tim:
But is a righteous offense that seizes every opportunity...


Father Tim:
And is this not the way?


Father Tim:
No procrastination. No backward looks. Seize the day!



Papi diem.


Kaz, comment of the day!

Kaz closes comments. see you in the Series.


I guess I should have bet the over!

Sunday Soxaholix again! It must be October!!

Habemos Papi.

Deo gratias.

good to see the padres in the postseason again.

I did not know the good father was back on the street. Time off for good behavior?


Bet he has multiple EBT cards! Just saying. Gigidididy, gigidididy!

What the deuce? This is what I get for ignoring the computer and watching the pathetic Patriots' offense.

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