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Leaving it unsaid



Yeah, it goes without saying...


Talking about it somehow just doesn't do it justice.


Talking about it ruins it.


I'll just say this: It's a David Ortiz world, we just live in it.


We just have the *privilege* to live in it.






What a day for New England sports ;)

DVR such worked great. Not a word from Tim McMeow.

Bats, barreled,



I went to bed thinking the day's miracle had been in Foxborough and the Back Bay Fens had lost it's mojo, but that proved temporary, delightfully so.

There truly are no words.

My name (albeit truncated)being used to rip into that idiot, MFY loving ex-Cardinal is an honor I expect to be compensated for. Please remit one case of Blue Buffalo salmon liver treats to---
(my boss gets away with a lot, but that is a new low in pandering, even for him ;)

I am the crappiest of fans. I decided to hit the hay after DET went up 5-0 as the 5:30am alarm for the gym rings early. Thankfully my ex texted me at the Papi homer and woke me up so I could at least finish it out. What a ride! I may have a stroke before the end of this series, but I think it's fun? It's fun, right? :)

I watched the end of the Pats game. I figured the god that watches over NE sports was done with divine intervention for the day. The Sox trailed and I figured the series was over.

! ;
. , , , , , !

Columbus always had excellent timing (what with 'discovering' the New World just before his crew ate him, and after the Vikings had forgotten about it), but none better than today. What a game!

Someone in the Detroit Free Press comments section refers to Don Kelly as the "Pittsburgh Pendejo".
Somehow this warms my heart.

So glad I stuck it out till the end. What a roller coaster day. Papi rules!!!

I freely admit that my heart was ripped out in the sixth when Clay started throwing batting practice and that pos Avila actually hit one out. Cabrera I can understand, but not Avila.

Then, after watching the bottom half of the sixth and the Sox squeek out 1 run, I felt like we had a slight, tiny, infintesimal chance to pull something out. But the Papi slam defys reality, ripping a hole in the time/space continuum. Simply amazing.

Papi is so clutch, I have no earthly idea why the Tigers didnt simply walk him or give him absolutely nothing to hit. Made no sense to me, but there is no way he gets to take a swing from now on in any situation with the Tigers like that.

And please, is there anything, ANYTHING that can be done about McCadaver? "He sucks" is a pathetic understatement. He is ruining my enjoyment of the game. Sadly here in CT, I cannot get the Sox radio feed. Please help :)

TJ- can you not get the radio feed online somehow? Or is it blacked out even thru MLB.com's feeds?

TJ, you just have to outlast him. He is retiring after the end of this post-season.

Papi diem.

TJ, I am also in CT and have the same problem with not being able to pull in WTIC in my house (too much interference from all the tech gadgets I guess). What I did last night was stream the ESPN Radio audio from espn.com. It was only running about 2 minutes behind the FOX HD broadcast, so it wasn't too hard to sync up using the magic of the DVR remote. The feed died a couple times, requiring a re-start and re-sync, but a minor inconvenience to avoid having to hear Tim McCarver utter a single word. It was bliss.

I tried to sync up the MLB.com WEEI feed with my cable (Comcast.) The TV signal is running about 30 seconds behind the audio, and I don't know of any easy way to cache the audio feed so that it'll be 30 seconds behind to match the video.

Here's how I was able to sync. Your mileage may vary.

RS audio on MLB at bat was about 7 seconds +\- behind Yuck and McBarf.

My cable system allows your you go back on a live feed, so I rewound ( not literally, but you get it) and after four to five tweaks, the sound of ball in the catcher's mitt ( and there were a lot of them) on the audio feed matched where the slight delay on the video feed showed the ball hitting the glove. Aside from Joe C. Being on suicide watch in the middle innings, and missing the audio of the pointless in-dugout interviews on F**, it was excellent.
Admittedly, the outcome helped considerably.


Much silence from my Detroit friends. I'm thinking their vocabulary is limited as well.

Rainy season here in Ja; BIG thunderstorms every day and the power came back up just in time to watch Buchh's meltdown. Consternation -> acceptance -> surprise -> happiness. That was fun!

I'll have to try and sync up the radio feed on MLB. No other way around it. I was watching with the sound off anyway.

I have no clue how McCadaver has a job with Fox. Absolutely anyone would be better. They should have Erin Andrews call the game in his place, and show her alot on the broadcast - that would help. My only hope is that he takes Joe Buck into retirement with him. There is only one person's voice I hate more than McCarver, and that's Michael Kay.

I'm amazed that Buck cannot get another (Any other!) partner,especially after McC's Locks of Love debacle. I still rank Buck's softspoken rebuke "my daughter donates to Locks of Love as the nicest slam in sports. Hell, ANY one of us could call a better game. Yes, I include you Chairman Meow. McC leaving this year and Selig (watch out, he spits) next? Oh fabjous days!

TJ, be glad you do not live in the territory of the evil MFYs! I have to miss non Fox or ESPN games, as the only available source is Michael Kay, or worse. MLB's on line/phone radio feed is so far behind it cannot be synched up with the video image from the MFYES net.

As a last ditch solution you can replace the audio with great music of your personal persuasion. If it happens to be ass shaking music and papi happens to hit a dingah as ur shakin it, your arms go up in the living room and you forget TM was ever born. No play by play, but no bleeding ears.

We have had so many clutch players in this town, Larry Bird, Tom Brady, Bobby Orr. I think this puts Papi on top of that list.

and stan grossfeld -- http://www.boston.com/sports/baseball/redsox/extras/extra_bases/2013/10/stan_grossfeld_explains_how_he_got_iconic_photo.html -- like papi and brady, he's still got it, after all these many years...

TJ, get SirusXM, and you can listen over the internet to the WEEI call, which you can pause to sync if needed, or you can pause your TV feed (if you have a DVR to sync). SirusXM internet has both home and away broadcasts (and ESPN call as well), SirusXM radio only has the home team call. The only guy worse than TMcC is Jim Palmer, whom I'm stuck with whenever the Sox play the O's - and since it's 19 times a year, going with SirusXM is worth it to me.

yay 7

Jeez ... I'm traveling in Europe at the moment and got the ESPN radio feed right off their web site.

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