And we're back!
The giddiness of saying this hasn't even begun to subside:
The Red Sox are in the World Series!
Meanwhile, I don't want to dampen the enthusiasm around here, but when I hear people nonchalantly tossing around "sweep" it makes me uncomfortable.
I don't think folks realize just how good the 2013 St. Louis Cardinals are.
It's a historic matchup.
That it is, I mean consider this...
Both had the best records in their respective leagues with an identical 97 wins.
Both have dynamic rookies Bogaerts and Wacha.
Both have what could be the two best postseason players of a generation in Papi and Beltran.
Going back to your admonishment regahding thinking about a sweep, let's recall that the 2004 Cardinals had 105 wins.
These are *not* the 2004 Cardinals.
True, I mean these guys are gonna have room service this time.
Heh, don't get me wrong, we win this thing. Oh, fuck yeah we do.
Any word on who's throwing out the ceremonial first pitch?
Well, if Fox has a say, I'm sure it'll be either Verlandah or Scherzer, you know, the greatest pitchers ever and all.
I know they won't do it, but Pedro ought to throw out the first pitch. But MLB and Fox drew up their plan months ago.
Posted by: Cmdrflake | 2013.10.22 at 09:28 AM
Will be sad not to see Leyland in the Tigers dugout next season. Godspeed, Jim.
As for the Sox, can Wednesday get here already? I feel like a hardcore junkie in withdrawl right now, twitching and sweating my way through nights with nothing to do but watch DVRd Jeopardy and feel like the old I am rapidly becoming...
Posted by: Natalie | 2013.10.22 at 09:34 AM
Welcome back is right!!
I don't know what their complaining about from 2004... I always found food in Quincy late at night...
I will give them that traffic is a bitch, but didn't the sox players deal with that also or do they stay in a Boston Hotel?
Posted by: vasoxfan | 2013.10.22 at 09:36 AM
Let's get Foulke to throw out something.
See you in the Series.
[cue irrelevant cat]
Posted by: louclinton | 2013.10.22 at 09:41 AM
lc- funny, Foulke was also my first thought for ceremonial first pitch thrower. I guess because when I think of the Sox winning the World Series almost immediately I hear in my brain "stabbed by Foulke" - which - unoriginally - I am still considering for my epitaph.
Posted by: Natalie | 2013.10.22 at 09:51 AM
Maybe we could bring back both Foulke and Bobby V. Then Valentine could be stabbed by Foulke.
Posted by: Bob | 2013.10.22 at 09:56 AM
Can we get that Cardinals pitcher who fell on his butt rounding 3rd base in 2004's game 3? You know, just to remind the Cardinals how pathetic they were...
Posted by: Steve in MD | 2013.10.22 at 09:59 AM
Am not a fan of starting John Lackey in Game 2, the man is a big park pitcher. He was tagged early on at Tiger Stadium in Game 3 w/ several scary warning- track bombs. Fenway would not have held them. Stick w/ Bucholtz, who looks like he needs a hug from Fenway anyway.
Posted by: Chip | 2013.10.22 at 10:05 AM
Watching Fielder get beached before reaching 3rd also reminded me of Suppan's Slip. Good omen methinks. If Sox finally start to hit this could be quick but...
Posted by: Ghengis Ortiz | 2013.10.22 at 10:29 AM
Oh boy, great story about the cardinals staying in a crappy place in 2004! Oh yeah, Im heading to game one and have to stay in freaking Framingham for lack of rooms in Boston at ANY price!
Posted by: redsoxnumba1 | 2013.10.22 at 10:42 AM
Elation and exhuberence prevail. Red Sox Nation is once again Anticipation Nation. I think Mark Belhorn should throw out the first pitch. He was the hero in game 1 of the '04 WS at Fenway.
Posted by: Kevin Myron | 2013.10.22 at 11:40 AM
The butler has an aversion to anyplace inside the 128. He claims that is the line between reasonable and confiscatory rates for a room.
Posted by: Chairman Meow | 2013.10.22 at 11:40 AM
Kinda feel sorry for Leyland. I always liked the guy, the way I do Joe Maddon. He's a great coach and a man deserving to have his time in the sun, but the fact of the matter was his team dropped the ball well out of his own hands/calls. And yes I second that every ceremonial first pitch be thrown by Verlander-kun and Scherzer-sama because FOX said they were so sugoi kawaii.
Sorry, I got weeaboo'd for a second...
Posted by: Colin | 2013.10.22 at 11:57 AM
Mienkeiwicz, 1rst pitch. He can use the ball from his back pocket ;)
Posted by: W8r | 2013.10.22 at 01:34 PM
Yazstremski for the first pitch? Sort of a tie-in with the recently dedicated statue.
Posted by: yazbread | 2013.10.22 at 02:27 PM
A little of the goofy can be pretty useful/effective on a good team (Millar up). It's a good time to make peace with the Spaceman: Bill Lee should throw out the 1st pitch.
Marg Bar Chat.
Posted by: urm t m in J | 2013.10.22 at 02:32 PM
Oh, what the Hell. Let's have Bob Gibson throw out the first pitch. I'd bet he throws it someone's head. And unlike Peavy, he'd hit 'em with one throw.
Posted by: Yossarian | 2013.10.22 at 03:59 PM
From the St. Louis Post Dispatch (I did not know this. Either that or I forgot.):
Hundreds of Red Sox loyalists had traveled many miles to gather outside the stadium. They had no tickets; they just wanted to be standing at the historic site when their beloved Red Sox clinched their franchse’s first World Series since 1918. Cardinals management graciously opened the doors and let the Boston fans in to see, and savor, the moment. It was a tremendously kind gesture that spread goodwill among the fans and the teams.
Posted by: Bob | 2013.10.22 at 04:35 PM
I don't recall ever seeing or reading that before, either.
I've always felt St. Louis was a classy organization, now even more so.
Posted by: h.b. | 2013.10.22 at 04:57 PM
Anyone nicknamed "Spaceman" is OK in my mind. Now, to get the butler to rename the little one before she deigns to be recognized as Empress. I NEVER respond to my maid's choice of name-EVER!
Posted by: Chairman Meow | 2013.10.22 at 04:57 PM
Great comment by Bob. I agree with Natalie.Leyland was a real baseball man. First pitch -Yaz is a great choice but how about Pesky's son? How will we get any sleep tonight?
Posted by: paPesky | 2013.10.22 at 05:41 PM
Yazbread was right. The Man That We Call Yaz is throwing out the first pitch of game 1. I like the idea of Spaceman as well. Bob Gibson can throw in St. Lou. Is Julian Javier still alive/available? We can bring back all of 67. Paging Dr. Lonborg.
Posted by: Yarnista | 2013.10.23 at 01:15 AM