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A pass

Your omniscient author in absentia:
I had every intention of a strip this morning but, well, one thing led to another and the next thing you know I'm looking like Lavarnway scurrying after passed balls.



That was ugly. Then it was beautiful.

It's been crazy. Chill and try to refresh thyself.

I passed some balls once. Still not sure how they got there

Last night the Red Sox Went Ugly Early.

As many of us probably have, on occasion. And by us I mean you guys. I never did that. Nope, not once.

Lavarnway made amends. Also Big Papi waving everyone home for the go ahead run was a sight to behold.
Halfway through the first inning I looked up Mirabelli on the offchance he was somewhere in the greater Houston area and with a police escort we could have got him in for the second.

After 2, Abby said, "I can't believe they're going to lose to Houston again." I bet her they'd win. Long story short, she has to commission a painting of me as a centaur.

Passed balls were making me Cringe!! Could not believe Lavarnway could not get the ball in the glove...knuckler didnt seem that hard to catch like Wake's was..

What a game though!! This group never gives up!

That first inning was just too awful to watch. The official scorer was having a hard time, too. He took pity on Lavarnway and ruled #5 a wild pitch. That's when I turned it off. Checked the score three hours later and got to see the happy ending, tho.

Bob - you will share that painting with the creeps, right?

Spouse hides quietly behind John Henry's rag while I watch. Serves as the empty-nest high five on occasion, but pretty sure baseball is not a concern. Jerry & Don fill most of the talk component for us.

Last night, half-way through the debacle chapter, from deep behind the folds of the Metro section: "Do they practice throwing and catching?"

Poor Abby.

If Abby is an abstract painter, she could do anything and claim it was what had been ordered. Dated an abstrastionist. She was a riot. She got expelled before I did, which is saying something. ;-)


past balls?


Bob, I expect to see that painting hanging behind the bar at Durty Nelly's when I come up this month. Win #70 on 8/6! Hello Bobby V.

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