Eat this, not that
Hey, a win!
Remembah the days when a loss struck you as an abberation instead of win?
Barely. It's all fuzzy like trying to recall a dream involving a Jesuit priest, a midget, and a strippah named Mercy.
So it took Valentine 7 games to figure out what Tito learning in 2.
At least Crawford's taking it well, considering will soonah see a Chick-fil-A on the Freedom Trail before seeing Crawford at the top of the order again.
You know what Chick-fil-A calls a gay dude in one of their franchises?
No, what?
A customah.
Whatev but Menino's got a point.
Yeah, "we're in a city that's at the forefront of inclusion." Just ask Theodore Landsmark.
They're on fiah!!!
Posted by: Harwich Rich | 2012.07.25 at 09:23 AM
um, that's just not gonna happen.
Posted by: lc | 2012.07.25 at 09:29 AM
Nice work out of you!
Posted by: James | 2012.07.25 at 09:35 AM
I am shocked, shocked they wouldn't open a Chick-Fil-A here...
We'll always have Popeye's.
OK, Clay it's your turn to order, kid.
Recorded in the clubhouse by the informah, a shadowy figure generally un noticed...
Posted by: cmdrflake | 2012.07.25 at 10:10 AM
We have Chick-Fil-A all around us in FL. Their food is quite good. I haven't actually washed it down with beer myself but I bet the Sox pitching staff would approve.
Posted by: soxinsix | 2012.07.25 at 10:19 AM
My total experince over past couple years with Chick fil a is the 3 day old, dried up, cold hockey puck sandwiches they give to youth sports groups to sell for fundraising at games. My kids comment on those things...
"Dad, I dont want one of those gay sandwiches."
Every othertime I happen to be near a chick fil a and might want to go in, its Sunday.
Posted by: Jeff in NC | 2012.07.25 at 11:13 AM
"Dad, I dont want one of those gay sandwiches."
Gay sandwiches? I see what you did there.
Posted by: COD | 2012.07.25 at 01:21 PM
You have to look at Chick-Fil-A sandwiches in proper context, i.e., it's fast food. Compared to what you get at McD, BK, Wendy's, Popeye's, KFC etc, it is superior. Compared to Five Guys, it's... well you can't compare. Five Guys is the best buger you can get on the east coast, fast, slow or otherwise - similar to In & Out on the west coast.
Posted by: Steve in MD | 2012.07.25 at 02:29 PM
mfy lose A-Fraud for six to eight weeks. To bad we have zero chance of taking advantage of that...
Posted by: Steve in MD | 2012.07.25 at 03:10 PM
My mini vacation is so relaxing. I wonder if A-Fraud's will be as nice. I mean, he has that A-Rod minotaur painting over his bed, and that thing has to be scary to wake up to.
Posted by: Bob | 2012.07.25 at 03:15 PM
Heh. Evrything is gay to them. And sometimes it means homosexual.
As in, "Mondays are gay". Shit, kids you cant say that! Why not? Do you know what a Monday is? (explanation)... Jeez Dad, we're not talking about a brother on the downlow, just sayin Mondays are gay. My house is a Southpark episode.
And ditto to Steve on Five Guys and In n Out.
Posted by: Jeff in NC | 2012.07.25 at 03:55 PM
I have to drive to Wiloughby Ohio, and while I'm at it, after a Steak and Shake double (last time I was there, it was a pair of 12 oz. burgers w/whatever+ cheese and bacon)and a 24 oz. Chocolate Shake, I may as well hit Progressive Field (FKA Jacobs Field) for an Indians game, a 3rd base box is reasonable and available on game days, all told with a local craft beer and whatever, It will cost $500, oh, and another double @ S&S for the drive back to Mudville.
Posted by: cmdrflake | 2012.07.25 at 04:42 PM
BTW: The $500 is for everything from gas for my Ford SUV, and a visit to the Rock N Roll HOF, to see the newest exhibits, a day well spent all told.
Posted by: cmdrflake | 2012.07.25 at 04:46 PM
*[stupid fat chicken-eating cunt]
Posted by: soxdownunder | 2012.07.25 at 09:25 PM
LOL, sdu :)
Posted by: soxinsix | 2012.07.26 at 08:22 AM
Does Bobby V have the slowest hook this town has seen since Fucking Grady Little?
Posted by: Kaz | 2012.07.26 at 09:36 AM