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Happy International Workahs Day.


Yeah, I'd celebrate but I'm all tied up, you know, er, working.


Speaking of hahd at work... David Ortiz?


He's a friggin one man May Day parade Soviet style.


You know, the whole team was mahching in step last night.


Pitching, hitting, and Defense. Check, check, and check.


You know, do that anothah 85 times or so and I just might staht to imagine a new world ordah of Red Sox totalitarianism.


Bettah red than dead.



5 relievers to protect a 11-1 lead?? Really? :(

Thanks Nick ;D

I was at the game last night (first one in 14 years!) and I can verify that yes, there is a home bullpen at Fenway and that the only good thing that comes out of it is Aceves. We can't overlook Bobby pulling a Grady Little and leaving Clay in just a wee bit too long last night either. But at least the bats (and Papi) were hot last night. That can't save your ass every night but it sure doesn't hurt.

That actually fits with the Soviet theme, the 5 relievers.

The Soviet style was alway to overwhelm with numbers of materiel rather than quality of materiel.

Buchholz might be on his way to the gulag if he doesn't get his ERA down below 8.

"Work is the curse of the drinking classes" ;)

So which year of the Five Year Plan are we in?

For cripes sake. I didn't watch/hear the game or see a score until I climbed in the car this morning and turned on D&C. For the first 5 minutes of listening in, I thought we'd lost the game until someone actually mentioned the score.

M'kay. Buch spit the bit (granted, again). So f'ing what? Send him down to Pawtucket for a tune up and let's get on with things. Sometimes Boston sports media just pisses me off -- present company excepted, h.b. -- well, *most* of the time... :-D

Int'l Worker's Day got me a 4-day weekend and I went to Malta. Fucking Malta, bitches! I don't care if it is some communist bullshit.

Also, go Sox, Yanks suck, etc.

I saw 1 reliever and 4 guys who oughta be on the 11-7 floor sweeping shift at Walmart. And a starter who cant make it thru the 3rd go round of the lineup.

But, runs. Mmmmm, runs taste good.

Our Winky Dink of a second baseman was slapping the leather around last night pretty slickly. And our first baseman has a glove hand that the Philadelphia Flyers are looking at.

Papelbon is 8 for 8 in saves with a .90 ERA...who is the genius in the Kremlin that did not even offer him a multiyear contract? (after averaging 37 saves per year w/ a 2.29 ERA-for seven years!)

da kine- I went to Malta July 4th weekend in '09- cool place. I love the history of it- it's be conquered by just about everyone on the planet at one time or another. Did you get into the walled city? We didn't (we were beaching it, mostly), which I regret.

As for the Red Sox, Beth and Harwich said it all. I remain underwhelmed.

Yep, scoring lots of runs against these low life teams is fine but against the good teams, these pitchers are toast.

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