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Bringing May flowers?

Wow, a 12-hit and 12-run Mother's Day. I feel like this kid.


Couldn't have picked a bettah time to stick it to the Indians.


Any word on how Elizabeth Warren is taking the news?


You shall not bait me.


Yeah, bait this—"The Red Sox collected five doubles Sunday afternoon… With 100 doubles in 34 games, Boston is on a pace to hit 476 two baggers this season. That would break the record set by the Texas Rangers in 2008 by 100."


I'm almost feeling optimistic.


Seriously, as bad as things have been other than TX, no one is running away with anything and everything is still in play for the the Sox given the extra wild cahd team this season.


With that said, our 1-2-3 stahtahs have a long way to go before I staht to imagine a Septembah of ripened gourds.



Thanks for the link!

This feels less like optimism than it does a weekend on morphine.

The Red Sox are first in doubles and the Royals are second. You know what else- those teams are a combined 11 games under .500.

Drive on, Natalie!!!

Let's go Celtics

The "kid" link in 1st box doesn't seem to want to work

If the Sox get to 7 in a row, HB does a strip on Friday.

At Chippendales.

Sorry link is fixed.

I'm a'driving, the bus is a'rocking. My directions to PaPesky to keep on rollin' have not faltered once, although we have slowed down a couple of times to let on new passengers like RedStateNan....

I'll feel better when ALL are starting pitchers don't have 76 other pitchers in front of them in ERA. Last I checked Lester was 77,bard was 78, Felix 79, Beckett 110 and Buck 116. Jeez!

Thanks for stopping, Natalie, but it's RedSTRIPE Nan, proudly hailing from a Blue State.
OK, I enjoyed that game yesterday. So sue me.

Sorry, RedStripeNan, that was an unconscionable mistake. Please accept my humblest apololgies and a big glass of Pappy Van W.

Western Red Sun rise
A Cherry blossom in June
Matsuzaka lives

Yeah,he's tearing up AAA ;D

So hes got a quick dry paint now?

Bullpen's been pretty much great for 3 weeks. The final panel calls it: two of the front three need to be excellent (instead of mediocre to horrendously awful)...then you gots yourself a dangerous team. Especially if we ever don't have like half the roster on the DL.

Middlebrooks is the bomb (though I expect he'll struggle at some point as the league adjusts).

The people on the bus chant "this team sucks, this team sucks, this team sucks".
The people on the bus chant "this team sucks, this team sucks, this team sucks".
All through the town.

I'd go so far as to say if two of the top three pitchers can get to "above average", this is a scary team.
Especially if they keep hitting doubles at a record-breaking pace! (Thanks for that entertaining and useless stat!)

Anyone else noticed the irony that while the Rangers have discovered the secret of great starting pitching with outstanding offense that used to characterize the Red Sox, the Sox have slumped into the old Texas model of crummy pitching and a "let's hope our bats can outhit theirs" model?

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