Day late, dollar short
How exactly does something like this happen?
Well, you know, the interwebs is one of those newfangled things not many people have on their radah and all...
Yep, it's truly a niche thing, I mean it's not like there are more smartphones being sold than babies being born worldwide or the like.
In the good news department, we've had our first eephus pitch sighting of Spring.
And Padilla says it'll be part of his arsenal.
And, look, it's not like is owned by one of the most hahdcore and most prolific Yankees fans or anything.
But, hey, nobody's gonna take this one from us.
Maybe the redsox need to buy the domain?
Posted by: Jeff in NC | 2012.02.22 at 07:21 AM
Ted hit an eephus pitch 440' THERE.
I think TLC Network has, what with their obsession with undersize people.
Posted by: cmdrflake | 2012.02.22 at 08:05 AM
I loved Tito, but did he ever quoted Dewey Oxberger from "Stripes."? Who knows how the season will go, but the Valentine show might not suck.
Posted by: Jack Wrong (aka Follower of Tito) | 2012.02.22 at 08:38 AM
I would have thought that Jet Blue owned that domain. Shite, at work we register domains when we even THINK about a concept. I personally own A little something for all you Talking Heads fans.
Posted by: Bob | 2012.02.22 at 08:47 AM
not to get all grammarian on you, but since I hate the Red Sox, I must point out that "siting" should be "sighting"
Posted by: lc | 2012.02.22 at 08:48 AM
I'm still waiting to see the Gyroball.
Posted by: Harwich Rich | 2012.02.22 at 09:02 AM
I knew "siting" was off when typing it but forgot to go back and figure it out. Thanks, LC.
The Greek place down the street has Gyros with falafel balls and tzatziki. Close enough?
Posted by: h.b. | 2012.02.22 at 09:13 AM
Dammit, h.b.- it's 9:15 and I'm already hungry Greek food for lunch!
Posted by: HunterStars | 2012.02.22 at 09:19 AM
I registered a while back for some ridiculous reason. But I let the ownership lapse so it's up for the taking if anyone fancies it.
Posted by: pseudosanity78 | 2012.02.22 at 10:22 AM
The guy who registered it should get something like $2K for it from the Red Sox.
The arbitration process would force him to hand it over, but that will cost something in the region of $2500 to pursue, so as long as you keep the asking price below the legal costs of going to "court", the TM owner will usually pay out.
We've got ultra-careful about registering domains at work if they're potential mergers or anything like that - someone keeps an eye on things like that in the press - but anything else, you brainstorm a name and register all the ideas.
Posted by: Richard Gadsden | 2012.02.22 at 01:06 PM
Might have to register
That guy has a real future in baseball and a kick ass name.
Love the sunsets, LC.
Posted by: sonomasox | 2012.02.22 at 01:13 PM
I'm registering just in case.... ( is already taken and it's super-boring, y'all.... :)
Posted by: Natalie | 2012.02.22 at 03:12 PM
But is available?
Posted by: h.b. | 2012.02.22 at 04:05 PM
Now *there's* a blog worth bookmarking!
Posted by: Rob in CT | 2012.02.22 at 04:58 PM
America, fuck, yeah.
nice link, hb
Posted by: lc | 2012.02.22 at 05:11 PM