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All fans receive...

Well, we've made it this fah.


Yep, we're finally at the point where we can begin the discussion of when would be the most opportune time to begin the discussion of Truck Day.


You don't want to be too early. You can't get caught being too late.


It's almost too much pressure.


Seriously. We can't fucking decide when to throw things out for discussion and also catch and discuss the things.


Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure I've found the perfect thing to build a "fan giveaway" game at the ballpahk around.


"Ladies & Gentlemen, Boys & Girls... Relive the excitement of the recent Red Sox offseason with your own Fenway Frankstah."



Umm, hb, I think you misunderstood- They're selling commemorative bricks

I think Mahty already has one ;O

He bought 2,but sent one to BigBri.

I saw that the other day, and thought it was to transform your wife or girlfriend into a Real Doll.

The way this offseason has gone my first thought about Truck Day is "how far into the trip will the truck make it before it breaks down? NY? DC?"

Jesus, the Japanese are some serious perverts.

I might be the only one, but I am truly, legitimately, and completely excited for Truck Day. The Sox may wind up sucking more painfully than a chick wearing that device, but baseball is always like sex: even when it's bad, at least you're getting some.

Six - Naw, the truck will have mechanical troubles all the way down 95 until about Bridgeport, will be fine once it hits the Jersey Turnpike, and then do 80 all the way to SC while getting 65 to the gallon. Then the wheels fall off and cost the team a $165 million tow to Ft. Meyers with frequent stops for Miller Lite and KFC...

And Sweet Jesus, Natalie. Are you just *TRYING* to cause a 30 car pile-up with comments like that??


I think one came through my window last night. A brick I mean.

Hugs and Kisses


Nice, lc. Speaking of Marin County, maybe we need Clint Eastwood to give the Sox a pre-game speech.

Don't know about you guys, but I liked that Chrysler "Half-time" commercial. Of course, that didn't stop that dick-head Karl Rove from bitching about it.

Nice touch LC - didn't know you and Agassi were friends. That's the view from his place, right?

Still pulling myself out from Sunday's pain - will get excited about truck day and other sunsets soon enough. Especially if my wife buys a certain mouth insert.

I am delighted to see that the former hot dog eating WORLD champion that I cheered on at the Baseball Tavern with Kaz, Bob & Buck and Mrs Buck some years ago has shown some real versatility:


Plus, De Ossie sucks.

I lived in Philly for 12-years but never attended Wing Bowl. Well written story that captures the insanity of the event. People tailgate all night prior to the 6am start.


As a parent, you have to give
DeOssie a pass.

Just sayin' or whatever you blokes say

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