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To Steve Jobs...

Yeah, it's hit me a lot hahdah than I'd evah have expected.


I know, right. It was always about more than just a computer.


So I'm not going into work today...


No, I'm gonna sit in a cafe and read




Lorca, Lifshin, and Neruda...


Yeah, that's what I'll do.


Maybe doodle a bit on the iPad


Sketches of little things that make me feel glad


Then I'll call my mom.


Ask her about wrapping the green tomatoes


On the first night the cold is tangible


as a cloth


Then come evening


Like a little moth


I'll seek out the warm glow


Of the the finest of fine aged calvados


And raise a toast to the Mac Pro of Pros.



Nicely done, hb. RIP, Steve. Gone much too soon.

Who will pick up the fallen torch??

Great strip today h.b. Jobs was a singular force and his vision for Apple has touched the world and certainly my life. Almost every memory I have that involves technology involves an Apple product- sitting on the floor in my living room while my dad added RAM to our MAC plus, then sitting in the den as I watched in amazement when he made little animated movies he coded in BASIC. Oregon Trail on the school LCIII. Chatting with a girl in college because her iMac was the same "flavor" as my G3 (we're married now). Discovering Soxaholix on my PowerBook. Work being bearable because I can Facetime with my wife on our iPhones and she can show my what our 4-month-old is doing.

Like being a Sox fan, I was born into the cult of Apple. They're in my blood and I hope to pass down the love of both to my son. Rest well, Steve.

does this mean Lisa will never get an upgrade??

(like the new graphics, too)

I have never owned an Apple product and haven't even used one with any frequency since High School/College journalism in the days of PageMaker; but some of my favorite films wouldn't exist if he hadn't been around (Pixar). Cheers, Mr. Jobs.

I have never purchased an Apple product. However, I learned to program on an Apple II with the dual floppy drives in high school. Jobs will be missed.

I have never purchased an Apple product. However, I learned to program on an Apple II with the dual floppy drives in high school. Jobs will be missed.

Love the new look Susan.I think my grandmother had those very same stockings. lol

That was beautiful, hb. Thanks for everything, Steve. Your little devices have brought more joy to me that I ever thought possible...

From the flies of - Classy
The ever so entertaining and batshit crazy Phelps family is at it again.
Apparently they announced this morning that they will be protesting Jobs' funeral...

Via their iPhone.


Wow, H.B., just wonderful.

BTW, is Lisa named Lisa because of the Lisa?

Wow, pseudo, that's insane. I wish I believed in hell so I could feel certainty in my bones that those hypocritical, hateful, bigoted, mean and base Westboro fucks would be burning in it for eternity.

Sorry, hopefully that should close the italics tag, I guess I didn't when I posted. Sorry again!

...her meat puppies giving that one button all it could take...

I remember my first employer bought a LISA. First GUI...very sexy. I went from mainframe punch-card data entry to drawing nice maps on how to get to that week's party or softball game. Fantastic.

Yes, like many of the stories you are relating, I have similar.

Apple intrinsically tied to my life.

I say in all earnestly that I doubt there'd be a Soxaholix site if it weren't for the ways Apple products led my life down a certain path.

(Oh, and that's Susan's dour, don't give a shit, feeling blue outfit.)

Jobs saved many of us learning anatomy in medical school precious time away from the formaldehyde-phenol cadavers. The graphics and programs were pretty amazing given it was only 1986-7 and we were using the "brand new" flashcard program.

Today, I whip out my iPad when I have to teach med students, residents and patients.

Godspeed, Steve

Steve Jobs truly changed the world, may he RIP. I wrote my thesis on a MACIIx with a whopping 40MB of memory and 4MB of RAM. It was a big step up in capability and user friendliness from the IBM machines, and made my life a lot easier.

So much for the theory of an Apple a day .... (Sorry, someone had to right this maudlin ship).

things change.



stay hungry, stay foolish


My first computer was a green-and-black screened Apple ][c with Apple's dot-matrix roll-fed printer. I turned in reports and played games on that until I went to college in '94 and got my own PowerMac. Then I got my MacBookPro once OSX came out...then my iPhone...and iPad. I'm a bit of an iJunkie, I guess.

Just one more thing...we'll miss you, Steve.

Nice strip today, h.b.

Up until about three years ago, I had never purchased an Apple product. Then I purchased an iPod. Now I have an iPhone, which I love, as does my wife. My 11-year old daughter has an iPod Touch and we just bought her an Apple laptop. Jobs is the modern day Thomas Edison.

"I remember my first employer bought a LISA. First GUI...very sexy. I went from mainframe punch-card data entry to drawing nice maps on how to get to that week's party or softball game. Fantastic."

Thus refuting the illusion that personal computing lead to an actual increase in productivity. :-)

With all this praise of Jobs, let's not forget that he supported Hitler.

Oh, wait. That was Lindbergh. Never mind.

Great strip today. If the Westboro Baptists show up at Jobs' funeral, I hope the Hell's Angels are there in force as well. Not to kick ass but just to do their thing and perhaps prevent the crazies from exhibiting their idiot behavior.

Nah Bob that was Henry Ford.

in addition to Jobs and Lindbergh.

iSad too but can the Media lighten up a bit please? I missed half of Jeopardy. That and I thought there had been a terrorist attack when they broke in all somber.

Last night we were getting ready to have Birthday cake for one of our daughters. I didn't want 10/5 to become another date remembered for an attack.

Those *&^$#@! heads already double booked 9/11 (another family birthday) on me that way.

Just heard that Jesse Cobb quit the Infamous Stringdusters. Now, that's a fucking blow.

I dunno, cadaver lab was always one of my favorite things and always saw the 'virtual' elements of learning A&P a bit tedious. I'm probably a little freaky for that but, meh.

Oh yeah, and Charles Naiper died too. :(

Hopefully eating corn with John as we speak. :)

Just downloaded the iMourn app.

I blame the Republicans. If they had just acted on Obama's Jobs bill...

I blame the Republicans. If they had just acted on Obama's Jobs bill...

Dunno who Steve Jobs is but I assume he was pitching for the tigers.

An unopened bottle of Norois Calvados resides in my liquor cabinet awaiting for the appropriate moment. The passing of Jobs? No, not a disciple. E-Roid whiffing for the last out of the MFY 2011 season?

Cause célèbre pour le Calvados

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