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OK, if we're gonna go all trash talk and all...

OK. I think it's time for a moratorium on Red Sox news items coming from the MSM and their coterie.


I mean this "he said, she said mudslinging" is below my dignity.


And considering that time you were so drunk you tried to take a whizz in the punch bowl at your cousin's nuptials, that's a pretty friggin low bah of dignity.


Who the fuck puts punch in a porcelain bowl? I mean really?


Al's point is a valid one though. I mean if I'm gonna read trashy gossip, I'd prefer to read it on the blogs of snarky, queer, celebrity gossip bloggahs.


Seriously. I mean the writing is fah bettah as things go.


Not to mention the T&A and pics of A-List camel toe.



"Who the fuck puts punch in a porcelain bowl? I mean really?"

I LOLed out loud.

I also read Dlisted, Superficial, and WWTDD. I don't know who any of the people they are making fun of are, but I enjoy the writing.

Oh,the humanity ;D

Conversation between RA and student at Jesuit college in 1984:

RA: "Dude, stop pissing in the sinks on the girls' floors during parites, ok?"

Dude: "Look, if people had not wanted guys to piss in things, don't put them at dick level"...

Money well spent

Parties...not parites...lost those brain cells in '83

This just in-the world is now to end Oct.21 Must mean the Brewers are going to win the W.S.

I knew a guy in college (also a Jesuit institution) who put his feces in ziplock bags and duct-taped them inside dryers in the laundry room. Entire wardrobes were rendered unwearable (un-anything-able, actually) by the stench of hot air-baked stool samples.

Tito, were you that sinkpissah?

("One Crazy Summer" joke. Sorta.)

Gotta love those Jesuit institutions. But, seriously, Bob, I have two questions about this guy who put crap in the dryers. 1. How the hell did he get it in the bag? (As a dog walker, I find it can be a bit, shall we say, tricky.) And 2. Why?

Oh man, One Crazy Summer reference, well done, da kine. "Egg, were you the little fat boy in the story?" "No. But I used to like to beat him up. I'd go, "Why are you so fat?" And I'd beat the shit out of him." On another note, Nantucket is the world's most awesome island.


Same answer to both questions: I have absolutely no idea.

To give you an idea of this guy's mindset, he was later the number 1 suspect in the murder of a flight attendant, although he was never charged. (Given his past, shouldn't he have been the Number 2 suspect?)

He also had a huge collection of Nazi uniforms and medals and shite in glass cases in his bedroom (he lived off campus).

So, you know, just your average college student letting off a little steam.

I once knew a man from there, Nantucket...

There once was a Josh from Nantucket
The socks in his pants he did tuckett
They said he had big balls
Now he's taking the fall
For exaggerating the size of his fried McNuggets.

Have a great weekend all. Hopefully we'll have something fun to yak about on Monday.

Oh, hb, I've been looking for that man for decades... :)

PS- every Sox fan should read this and weep: http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/7095696/the-collapse-red-sox. And also watch Parks & Rec because Mr. Michael Schur is a fucking genius.

Jesuits have NO shame, and tell no tales, unless they are under oath and know they might be contradicted by at least 3-5 witnessess. They pine for the old days 1923-49.

John Henry storms 98.5 The Sports Hub, demands to be heard. Oh, and says he was against the Crawford deal from the start.


Bob, thanks for this and the explanation above (Nazi unis in glass cases='nuf said). Re: Henry on 98.5, it's about time someone spoke up about what happened in September. Not sure if I believe him, but at least he's talking. Now, let's hear from Lester, 'Tek, and Beckett.

Bob, thanks for this and the explanation above (Nazi unis in glass cases='nuf said). Re: Henry on 98.5, it's about time someone spoke up about what happened in September. Not sure if I believe him, but at least he's talking. Now, let's hear from Lester, 'Tek, and Beckett.

For the past few months I've been reading this lovely site on the iPad, with the new iOS5 upgrade, it is so much better.

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