Tomorrow remember yesterday
OK. The Sox played 20 games in 20 days. Won 13 of 'em. And finish right where they started the 20-stretch, a 1.5 game lead in the AL East.
So I'm gonna take last night's loss in stride.
Seriously. Time to just chill out, put on some tunes...
Speaking of...
The best thing about Spotify is it gives you the chance to dig up and listen to music from your past.
But the worst thing about Spotify is it gives you the chance to dig up and listen to music from your past.
Nostalgia ain't what it used to be, eh?
Jesus. I need to go back in time and give my past self a serious beat down.
Need to go all Bat Shit Taverez on your previous self.
Yeah, Tavarez with a heavy helping of Tek:
"Listen up youngah, Bill, we don't throw at .260 hittahs and we don't listen to this pussy music you've been playing on your Walkman!"
Don't remember The Colourfield, but "Virgins & Philistines" sounds like a good porn title.
Posted by: soxinsix | 2011.08.11 at 09:18 AM
A similar thing to what HB describes but for TV is what I call "The Night Court Effect", wherein you remember a TV show as ridiculously funny, but when you watch it in later life you're wondering how it could be more hokey and obvious.
Posted by: da kine | 2011.08.11 at 09:30 AM
A similar thing to what HB describes but for TV is what I call "The Night Court Effect", wherein you remember a TV show as ridiculously funny, but when you watch it in later life you're wondering how it could be more hokey and obvious.
Posted by: da kine | 2011.08.11 at 09:30 AM
Haha. h.b. you go stuck in what my husband refers to as the 'pussy-rock-college-anthhem-infusion-seduction-loop'. He claims that I still live in this loop. :(
It's not easy to be mocked by a man whose last iPod shuffle presented us with first Britney Spears' Toxic then F**k the Police immediately after.
Posted by: pseudosanity78 | 2011.08.11 at 09:37 AM
My high school play list has stood the test of time: X, Black Flag, The Clash, Talking Heads, Johnny Cash...
And then there's Wall of Voodoo, their "Mexican Radio" standing in stark, embarrassing contrast to all the great songs. (Although a lot of WoV's work was much better than "Mexican Radio," and Stan Ridgeway has done some very interesting things since then.)
Posted by: Bob | 2011.08.11 at 10:03 AM
Hey, come on now.
Sometimes going back to the past is a good thing!
Posted by: Kaz | 2011.08.11 at 10:06 AM
Kaz, wow. Is that Ron Jeremy sitting behind that group?
Posted by: soxinsix | 2011.08.11 at 10:19 AM
Doesn't everyone get fingahbanged at the ballpahk by their mum and her creepy boyfriend while enjoying the last few drags of a Marlboro light? No? Just me then.
Posted by: pseudosanity78 | 2011.08.11 at 10:20 AM
I've got no real problem with most of the music I used to listen to in high school/college.
But Sweet Jesus, I wish I could go back in time and save my future (present) self the untold nightmarish horror of my 70's high school hair. How could I have thought that was EVER cool? The kids found my HS yearbooks a while back, and I've yet to live it down. Don't expect I ever will.
Posted by: Rob in CT | 2011.08.11 at 10:20 AM
Holy shit, pseudo. I mean just, WOW...
Posted by: Rob in CT | 2011.08.11 at 10:55 AM
Pseudo - that comment is definitely Soxaholix top ten. Simply light years beyond Sully and Denise.
Posted by: yazbread | 2011.08.11 at 11:30 AM
High school was late Beatles (Sgt Pepper onward) and mid-Stones (Let It Bleed, Gimmie Shelter) for me - nothing to be ashamed of I think, and most are still on my playlists.
Posted by: Steve in MD | 2011.08.11 at 12:38 PM
A message to you, Rudy......I remember Fun Boys Three/Bananarama post Specials
Posted by: redleghockey | 2011.08.11 at 12:49 PM
Just as bad as recognizing the level of suckitude of music that you used to like is realizing that what you're listening to today will likely be poop a couple more years down the road.
Posted by: Professional Hitter | 2011.08.11 at 01:43 PM
you know what, HB? You're Electric Blue.
Heard that song last night - holy shit does it suck. Half my H.S wanted that as a prom song, the other half Depeche Mode - Someone. D.M won thankfully - I think. I was more a twisted REM, U2, Grateful Dead fan. Oxford Speedway '87 bootleg anyone?
Posted by: sonomasox | 2011.08.11 at 02:40 PM
I think a lot of the music I listened to late teens/20s still holds up well.
But a lot of it doesn't.
What surprises me most is how some bands that I considered "throwaway" in those days and never expected much out of, I now listen to and I'm blown away at how solid it is. Two off the cuff examples that fall into this realm for me, The Go Gos first album, The B-52s first album.
Then there are the bands that I thought of as groundbreaking, colossal, surely the kind of music I'd listen to forever and forever but now can barely tolerate. A couple bands that fall into this niche for me: REM, U2, The Beat, and everything by the Clash except London Calling and 1/3 of Sandinista.
Oddly enough per the last mention, as a kid I much preferred early Clash to Pistols, but I find now I much prefer in every way Bollocks over Clash's first (or 2nd).
Then there are the bands I totally missed, either out and out just didn't know about or heard but didn't like, and now say to myself, wow, how did I not "hear" this before? Led Zeppelin falls into this category for me.
Finally there is music that I know on some level is great etc but I just don't have an ear for, now or in the past, e.g., Janis Joplin.
Posted by: h.b. | 2011.08.11 at 03:08 PM
Sonomasox, likely yes on the Oxford Speedway show. Recently came into digital possession of about 300 GD shows and another 50+ jerry and about that many WSP. Still sorting my way thru them all. Wait a minute.. Were you the one made a crack about TJ's school being somehow better than my favorite cow pasture in the Va mountains? Might be I need to rethink this musical cameraderie :).
Re high school music tastes, I am somewhere between still proud nd somewhat chagrined. DLR era VH is still really good. ZZ Top still good. GD and the like still good. LL Cool J not so good. Bon Jovi just plain embarassing. Hey, at least I did not pucker up for KISS.
Posted by: Jeff in NC | 2011.08.11 at 03:17 PM
I listened to that first VH album on Spotify just the other day. Holds up well.
Posted by: h.b. | 2011.08.11 at 03:20 PM
Ack! Pedroia on the cover of SI!
Posted by: Steve in MD | 2011.08.11 at 03:46 PM
@Jeff in NC...I think TJ would accept the friendship given the backdrop of harvested hemp and a live WSP show. Vegas last October most recent. Nice inheritance on the digital shows, btw. least he isn't green.
Posted by: sonomasox | 2011.08.11 at 04:30 PM