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Dazed and bemused

Your omniscient author in absentia:
Well, this is a first — in 8 years of doing Soxaholix for the first time ever I completely, absolutely, 100% forgot.

I mean I just didn't forget to write a strip, I woke up went about my business and forgot The Soxaholix, the Red Sox, and baseball entirely until about 3 minutes ago.

I'd like to say I had some sort of uncanny feeling that "something feels missing," but, no, it was otherwise a completely normal Monday.

At least I think we all know where to place the blame for this, though.

That's right, the fucking Tea Party.



I blame Rob the witch.

I blame the Illinois Nazis.

I blame Bush.

I blame it on the rain that was falling, falling...

I blame Coco. No...not Crisp.

Well, I have a little treat for you. Over the Weekend of Irene, when I was retching on a continual basis thanks to an ill-timed and under-cooked Whopper (r-ball-look it up) on Thursday,no less, I came into possession of an original, near mint copy of an "Official Program and Scorecard" from the 1967 World Series. Those of you scoring at home will recall, by checking your Wikipedia, that the BSR actually played in the WS that year. I, unfortunately, was in high school, which pencils me in for death in the near future,unlike the rest of our jejune readers. There are a couple of obvious peculiarities: Near every full page ad is for a kind of booze that not even I remember
Schenley anyone?
Mr. Boston Vodka?

But one thing really stood out.

Larry Claflin (you better look that up, too) wrote a season summary piece for the score book.

Here's two paragraphs:

"A different kind of year? The pattern was set that April afternoon in New York when Jacqueline Kennedy and her son John John decided to see the Red Sox play the Yankeees. A kid with Indian blood and ice water flowing in his veins pitched a dramatic game that day and the name of Billy Rohr almost went into the record books for a no-hitter in his first major league game. In the ninth inning Carl Yastremski made a sensational catch to preserve the no hitter. But Elston Howard punched a single to right field with two out and Mrs. Kennedy shared the disappointment of the crowd by hugging her son in mutual dispair"

write up that shit, Shaughnessey.

It's still why we sit through shitshows like Saturday just so Larry can get paid.

for now and forever,


Fainting falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the MFY.

Well don't feel bad. Glen Campbell forgot to read the strip this morning. I remember Schenley Whiskey ads (never drank it). Drank Mr. Boston Vodka in college. Rotgut.

Larry Claflin and the Cardiac Kids... good memories Kaz.

I hope everyone is safe up there in NE, especially those near Vermont's raging rivers.

Sorry, Steve. That was LC. All I did was link to a shitty pop video.

However, I do think I have my great-uncle's scorecards from the 1967 Cleveland Indians' season...which included a few games against the '67 Sox crew.

Thanks Kaz, you are always there for me, or in my place

Ugh, apologies to both...

hb, guess what? It'll get worse. I have been forgetting more and ???
What was this, anyway?
I forget.I did get to that stadium whose name I do not speak or type out. Went there with my Dad an Uncle and a cousin or two. It was 1963, The Sox got killed and it stunk, but Frank Malzone went 3/5. I can remember shit like that. Oh, I was sitting where one could not sit later in That stadium, in the short right field porch. They were decent seats. My Dad had a shitfit over $2 hots, $2 beers and (GASP!) $7.50 parking, which he split with my uncle, $3.75 ,each. This shit gets worse, hb...

LC, Do I remember Schenley? Mr. Boston Vodka? Larry Claflin? Yes, I remember them all. Don't recall the Billy Rohr one-hitter though. I was just starting HS at the time. Recently my cousin recalled how disappointed he was that Rohr missed the no hitter when Elston Howard got a two-out, two-strike single in the 9th. Whitey Ford started for the MFY and took the loss. Later that same season, Howard caught for the Sox and was on the WS roster. Yaz's catch off Tom Tresh in that game is a beauty. You can heard Ken Coleman's radio call of the play at the beginning of RS games today when Coleman says of Yaz, "He dives and makes a tremendous catch." Here's a link to it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BoD1xEJSXo

And one more thing about that game, LC. Rohr was a rookie pitching in his first major league start. He got the win that day and beat the MFY once again that season but won only one other game after that.

I was 3.

And yes, Vermont is (mostly) still here. I do have 3 tenants wondering when they will have their apartments back. And, luckily, flood insurance. We got fuckin' slammed.

Oh...musta been the chronic, h.b.

I blame Bob; he forgot too.


PS Good work lc


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