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This strip brought to you courtesy of Ciprofloxacin

Remembah when bombing Muslim countries was a bad thing?


Ah, the good ol' days.


Oh, look, is that a formal Congressional approval in my pocket or do I just have a schadenfreude-on? Bwahaha...


Hey, hey, now, let's stay focused... Speaking of the good ol' days did anyone see this piece on Yaz by Shaughnessy?


You know, every so often the CHB comes out with something that reminds you that he can be one of the best in the biz.


Well, there's a pattern to it, isn't there? I mean whenevah Shaughnessy writes about the present, he's one smug, vitriolic old bastard...


But when he writes about the past, he morphs into a Curly Haired Proust.


That paht where Yaz talks about working with "the stahs before they are stahs" and his reminiscences about Youk and Pedroia had me choking up a bit.




And how friggin cool is it that Yaz wants nothing, absolutely nothing to do with being paht of the coterie of formah Boston stahs or wanting any paht of the limelight of fame...


Yet Yaz still watches every single Red Sox game.


The man is a saint.




I mean, c'mon... Teddy Ballgame loved fishing. Yaz loves fishing. Jesus was a fishahman. Coincidence? I think not.



Blessed Cipro, what a punchline.

hmm what happened?


I'm glad you gave me the green light to read that CHB article. I usually avoid reading them so as to avoid catching the grumps.

Got an autographed picture of Yaz around 1968 at the Sportmen's Show at Hynes Auditorium. Still count it among my cherished possessions.

Likewise on the green light to read the CHB.

Ya think Yaz still cuts his own lawn. I think so.

My fave bit is the signed balls for the Jimmy Fund. A drop off like for a spy novel.

I don't know why they named that birth control med Yaz (or BeYaz or whatever it is now). I think we need a world populated by millions of little Yazes. (Yazi?)

I'm going to disagree with these othas and yell at hb for making me read a CHB article. I had a 7 or 8 month streak of avoiding him going, but now I'm going to have to click the link.

Damn you, hb!

Once I knew this dude who invited me to a fish fry...Is it BYOB, I asked. Nah, I got that shit covered, he responded. And that dude came through. He totally came through.

p.s. cheers for the link, nothing like going to bed with a smile.

Okay that was a great strip.

Now I'll go read the article.

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