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Some things just go without saying...

Two guys walking, tall guy speaks:
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls..."


Two guys walking, short guy speaks:
Pitchers and catchers have reported.


Two guys walking, no words exchanged:


Two guys walking, no words exchanged:


Two guys walking, no words exchanged:


Two guys walking, no words exchanged:



Did you see the mugshots from the local paper on the link? Can't believe those get posted up everyday down there. Scary!


I report next week to Florida. Well, not so much report, but vacation. And I won't be getting as far as Fort Myers. And none of the first spring training games will be happening by then.

But I hope to see a shuttle launch. So, I got that going for me.

Hall and Oates have returned!!

Pitchers and catchers
How I love the sound of that
On Valentine's Day

Pitchers and catchers have reported? I CAN go for that

Pitchers and catchers have reported? I CAN go for that

marathon, not a sprint


You think ARod and Jeter mistakenly reported to spring training today because they heard that it's for "pitchers" and "catchers"?

Too funny, Vermonter.

Well played, Vermonter.

Love is in the air, innit bruv?

I don't go for that.

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