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The Annual

Your omniscient author in absentia:
No strip today as I'm otherwise occupied first thing this morning.

And by occupied I mean, of course, that it's time for my annual physical and blood work at the doc's office.

Or if you prefer the lyrical version:

Joy to the World,
Probe of the bum!
Let Doc perceive your things ♫♪



Ug. Bum probe. I hear the prep for that is worse than the actual roto rooter work. They give you some medicine the day before that makes you "evacuate" everything in your bowels, so the view is nice and clear for the docs. It'd be funny to not take that med and eat lots of venison chili the day before. "Welcome to H.B.'s Outback Roadhouse, home of world famous Brown Hunter's Stew."

This will only hurt a bi-i-it,
now turn your head and co-ou-gh,
and don't forget to pee,
'cuz we have to check STDs,

so-ooo breathe NOW! againnnn,
and pay as you leave

Sorry, boys. No sympathy. But that new version of Joy to the World is stuck in my head. Bonus! :)

The prostate exam isn't all that bad -- until the doctor puts his second hand up on your choulder, too.

"Movin' to Montana soon. Gonna be a dental floss tychoon..."

uh, "shoulder"...

Jingle balls, jingle balls
Coughing for the doc
Oh what fun it is to lay
With two fingers up your jock

I feel cheated. I had no latex finger insertion nor touching of my junk.

I did get my knee whacked with a rubber mallet, though, so there is that.

I'd get a new doctor h.b. - one that's heard of testicular and prostate cancer if I were you.

Men are so funny. They think a prostate exam is the ultimate indignity. Having seen what my wife routinely goes through (in addition to birthing two children via C-Section), I think we have it so easy. Thank you Lord. (And since we are offering medical advice this morning, if you are 50+ years old and you have not had a baseline colonoscopy, you are playing Russian Roulette).

Men are so funny. They think a prostate exam is the ultimate indignity. Having seen what my wife routinely goes through (in addition to birthing two children via C-Section), I think we have it so easy. Thank you Lord. (And since we are offering medical advice this morning, if you are 50+ years old and you have not had a baseline colonoscopy, you are playing Russian Roulette).

Whack o' Knee - always good for a chuckle. Procedure first developed at Three Stooges Medical School. Nyuck nyuck, nyuck.

Oops. Important message, but not so as to send twice.


I need to switch to Dr. Cunty.

But did you have latex free finger insertion and junk touch? Just clarifying the qualifying.

Steve, that "fingers on the junk and cough" exam is to detect hernias, not testicular cancer. For that, docs thoroughly feel up your boys. Or, if you don't have insurancem, the test can be done at the airport.

I guess my doc does both - or he really likes me... :-(

Just doing my job

Dr. Joseph Dolan: Right. Now, how long have you had these pains, Mr. Barber?
Fletch: No, that's "Babar".
Dr. Joseph Dolan: Two B's?
Fletch: One B. B-A-B-A-R.
Dr. Joseph Dolan: That's two.
Fletch: Yeah, but not right next to each other. I thought that's what you meant.

heh - Manny had a groin injury and supposedly didn't even know it. How great.

Pithcing and defence? Meh.

http://www.boston.com/sports/baseball/redsox/articles/2010/12/09/sox_sign_up_crawford_for_142m/?p1=News_linksng and defence? Meh!

One word. Crawford! But since I am a Sox Fan. I hope his knees hold out after playing on concrete for his early career.

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