Coming around...
Your omniscient author in absentia:
I'm trying to get back in the swing of things but this morning I was thwarted by 1) Time change and iPhone alarm not going off 2) Haven't seen or heard any Red Sox news in over a week 3) General offseason malaise.
So bear with me...
And thanks again for all of your sympathy for my dad's passing.
In case you missed it buried in the comments last week:
Hi everyone.
This sentiments on here have been overwhelming.
I was fortunate enough to be able to view the notice of hb's dad passing.
Without saying more, the notice indicated that the family encouraged gifts in his honor to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, in Boston.
I have checked off-line with h.b. and suggested that a suitable recognition of his memory is something that all the extremely creepy commenters on here might be interested in taking part in.
He has given this his ok.
It is entirely voluntary, of course. I have set up a PayPal account to accept any kind expressions of support, and I have put in the first $$.
Anonymity is a dicey subject on these intertubes, but I promise you, on my miserable existence, that 1) the aggregate funds will be collected and sent to the DFC and 2) that any identifying information about you that comes along with the donation will go no farther than my pea brain.
The PayPal account is
[email protected]
Thanks, and please spread the word, since this is buried in the comments.
one other thing.. I know PayPay extracts their pound of flesh for every transaction. I chose PP because it is relatively simple and provides some level of privacy. I will make a further contribution at the end to "gross up" the amount to offset the PP charges, so that the full amount you send will go to the DFC.
ps: some off you have already stepped to the plate, so to speak, so thanks.
Posted by: louclinton | 2010.11.08 at 09:42 AM
Sox news in a nutshell, h.b.:
Ortiz and Atchison had their options picked up.
Bill Hall and Felipe Lopez did not.
Beltre decided not to exercise his player option.
Youk and Pedroia look to be on schedule for their normal off-season work schedule so they won't go into spring with any delays due to rehab.
Also, Derek Jeter is a free man. Given Theo's predilection for overpaid shortstops getting better-than-deserved contracts and Jeter's agent talking about 6 years...I wonder how he'd look in red.
Posted by: Kaz | 2010.11.08 at 10:33 AM
Not a chance Jeter winds up anywhere other than the Yankees, Kaz. He's a True Yankee(tm), and the Yanks, unlike the Sox, do like to ensure that their marquee players stick around...
Posted by: Natalie | 2010.11.08 at 10:48 AM
Speaking of Ensure, if Jeets gets the 6 year contract he's looking for from Cashman (not likely), he and A-Rod will be playing the last year of their contracts at the age of 42 in 2016.
Posted by: Kaz | 2010.11.08 at 11:16 AM
Sox also managed to snag a new pitching coach, Curt Young formerly of the A's. Best team ERA in the league over the last seven seasons. Maybe he'll be able to shake Francoma into pulling a starter before it's too late every now and then...
Posted by: Steve in MD | 2010.11.08 at 08:50 PM
Oh a happier note:
Posted by: Rob in CT, er, AL | 2010.11.09 at 08:21 AM
As for off-season moves, how about picking up that Renteria guy? He had a nice post-season and appears to be available.
Posted by: yazbread | 2010.11.09 at 08:49 AM