Not gleeful, gleehalf-empty
And the Emmy for most indolent performance in a must-win series goes to... The cast of the Boston Red Sox.
This season has become such a friggin song and dance that Glee should just go ahead and do a Red Sox themed episode.
Yeah, Kurt Hummel could play Ellsbury.
So now is the The Most Important Series of the Season™ the one with Tampa at home next week or the one in the Bronx in at the end of the month?
I dunno. I don't think I can take anymore of The Most Important Series of the Season™ series.
Seriously. These things are starting to feel like the morning sun on a drunk on fae blood Russell Edgerton.
Well, that just about halves our playoff options and odds. The "must win" series now is against New York. We've basically given Tampa Bay an insurmountable lead over us. With 6 left against New York, they become the only way we're going to get into the playoffs.
Also, I thought best supporting female in a drama series was wrong. It should have gone to Christina Hendricks' dress. That was the best supporting I've seen all year.
Posted by: Kaz | 2010.08.30 at 09:19 AM
Looks like college football season is starting just in time this year.
Posted by: COD | 2010.08.30 at 09:25 AM
Looks like college football season is starting just in time this year.
Posted by: COD | 2010.08.30 at 09:25 AM
Looks like college football season is starting just in time this year.
Posted by: COD | 2010.08.30 at 09:26 AM
The season is officially over. Time to bring up the guys from Pawtucket to give them experience. Oh wait ...
Posted by: yazbread | 2010.08.30 at 09:32 AM
Where can I rent me a nice sunset?
Posted by: Red | 2010.08.30 at 09:33 AM
oh me/ye of little faith.
sunsets on deck
Posted by: louclinton | 2010.08.30 at 09:40 AM
Hey HB - feel free to delete my two repeats. I swear I only clicked post one time.
Posted by: COD | 2010.08.30 at 09:49 AM
We have some lovely parting gifts, thanks for now.
Sent the youngest off to UVM this hockey cannot start soon enough
Posted by: Follower of Tito | 2010.08.30 at 11:02 AM
In other news, it appears as though Manny is outting on hhis White Sox - which means Manny will be Manny at Fenway this weekend.
Posted by: COD | 2010.08.30 at 11:26 AM
That is putting on his White Sox... damn allergy drug haze is killing me today.
Posted by: COD | 2010.08.30 at 11:27 AM
Truck day is only 5 months away.
Posted by: sonomasox | 2010.08.30 at 12:24 PM
I don't usually look forward to five hour Monday morning meetings, but today I made an exception. Anything to avoid talking about that series.
Posted by: Bob | 2010.08.30 at 01:53 PM
You can talk all day about the injuries that the Sox had throughout the season. While I agree those injuries were huge, we can't forget about the horrible season that Lackey has had, and how Beckett lost 8-2 leads, and how Paps, couldn't hold 3 run leads in the 9th.....Those things contributed more to the Sox problems than the injuries.
Posted by: Paul | 2010.08.30 at 03:18 PM
Glee sucks.
Worse than the Red Sox this year.
Posted by: Devine | 2010.08.30 at 03:59 PM
Christina Hendricks, people. Christina Hendricks.
Posted by: Kaz | 2010.08.30 at 05:23 PM
And believe me, Kaz, I was grateful. Great stuff.
Posted by: Devine | 2010.08.30 at 06:15 PM
Anything fun to yak about yet??? j/k Bob ;O
Posted by: Harwich Rich | 2010.08.30 at 07:06 PM