Don't look now
Hello Mike Lowell.
Like the formah mill town that shares his name, he's old but resurgent.
And hellooooo Josh Beckett.
And don't look now, Timmy, but Ellsbury has been activated for tonight's game.
Perfect. Just in time for him to be plunked in the ribs as part of a Cleveland retaliation.
So with the Rays now in first and the Yankees slumping, is New York now the team to beat for the wildcahd?
One game at a time.
But with that mandadory disclaimah out of the way, for once I think this weekend's Red Sox v New York series is actually worthy of the hype leading into it.
A Red Sox sweep and and all of a sudden RSN is popping collective wood. A Yankees sweep and, well, can you say shrunken gourd?
If you think we're getting excited, imagine how the Yankees fan proles are preparing themselves.
this is why we flog ourselves all year.
Posted by: louclinton | 2010.08.04 at 08:49 AM
Pitching matchups look pretty good for the Skankee series. With the possible exception of Lackey -v- Sabathia.
That pic of the Skank fans is pretty funny, but I'm a little surprised they're above ground. Maybe mom is vacuuming the basement.
Posted by: Bob | 2010.08.04 at 09:10 AM
I'm pretty sure that is BigBri's computer in the front.
His cord is a bit short, so I think he went out of frame to stretch it.
Posted by: h.b. | 2010.08.04 at 09:15 AM
Fucking Mike Lowell rules. Did anyone not expect him to come up big in his triumphal return?
Posted by: da kine | 2010.08.04 at 09:34 AM
It was great that Mike turned on the first pitch he'd seen in the majors in nearly two months. However, losing Youk for possibly the rest of the season certainly shrunk my gourd a little.
Posted by: LarryE | 2010.08.04 at 10:10 AM
Crap. I totally missed that re Youk. Didn't realize the severity.
Posted by: h.b. | 2010.08.04 at 10:12 AM
on NY talk radio the callers are on the verge of outright panic for the Yankees, as some are willing to admit that they have no pen and the older core of players are starting to slow down. A collapse of Metsian proportions would be quite delicious
Posted by: ponch | 2010.08.04 at 10:17 AM
Trade deadline Winners??-I think not ;O
Posted by: Harwich Rich | 2010.08.04 at 10:22 AM
If we lose Youk for the season, that will surely suck (not to mention probably ruin our chances in the playoffs), but if it somehow allows Lowell to play in 40 games or so and make a relatively graceful exit from the Fenway stage, well, I think he deserves it
Posted by: buckner was framed | 2010.08.04 at 10:29 AM
What's with the injury two-fers? Pedey and Varitek with the feet, V-Mart and Youk with the thumbs...
Posted by: Go Sox. Go Heels, etc. | 2010.08.04 at 10:37 AM
Speaking of Lowell..
Posted by: Billy Mahty | 2010.08.04 at 10:47 AM
Why I have a crush on Mike Lowell (no homo).
From Billy M's link: "Said Lowell: 'I don't know how close it was. I have a no-trade to the Yankees.'"
And then after hearing we might have dealt him to THE bitter rival, he comes out to cover for Youk and bangs that HR outta the park?
Dude, never mind the 2007 World Series MVP, never mind the stellar hot corner defense, never mind anything else but the fact that he put a no-trade to the Yankees in his contract...he NEVAH has to buy a beer in any bar I'm in ever again.
Posted by: Kaz | 2010.08.04 at 11:23 AM
My guess is that the Soxaholix fans in general were happy to see Manny go in '08, but for those who still doubt that he's a selfish primadonna (or for those who know it), read the following, courtesy of Boston Dirt Dogs.,0,4279148.column
Posted by: LarryE | 2010.08.04 at 11:23 AM
h.b.: "His cord is a bit short, so I think he went out of frame to stretch it."
Gene Rayburn: "BigBri is soooo fat..."
Audience: "How fat is he?"
Rayburn: "BigBri is soooo fat, in order to get 'out of frame', he had to go behind the [blank]."
*studio audience laughter*
Charles Nelson Reilly: "Hmmmm, I know one thing I'd like him to get behind...ahoy ahoy!"
Posted by: Kaz | 2010.08.04 at 11:29 AM
Masterson against Lester...oh this should be fun (especially after last night)
Posted by: Harwich Rich | 2010.08.04 at 12:50 PM
@LarryE re: Manny, I think the Los Angeles Dogers of Los Angeles and their fans drank the Manny being Manny Kool-Aid and now there's not enough Listerine in the world to wash the bitter taste out of ther mouths. And in order to say 'I told you so' you actually have to give a shit. Which, unfortunately, in Manny's case I stopped giving a long time ago.
Posted by: pseudosanity78 | 2010.08.04 at 02:33 PM
Er...Dodgers even.
Posted by: pseudosanity78 | 2010.08.04 at 02:44 PM
Amen, psuedo!
Re: Lowell. Client I'm working at has a staffer named Mike Lowell. He jokingly has put up the "real" Mike Lowell's headlines all over his cubicle as a bit of a joke. His walls are covered with the "2007 MVP", "Lowell Comes Through in Clutch", etc. type items out of the newspapers. A good reminder of what a boon Mikey has been to the club these past few years. Love me some Mike!
Kaz - I'd be happy to split Mike's bar bill with you anytime.
Posted by: Rob in CT, er, AL | 2010.08.04 at 02:47 PM
And remember that Lowell is the one that salvaged the Beckett deal by taking everyone's eye off the Beckett crapfest.
Posted by: yazbread | 2010.08.04 at 03:26 PM
A-Fraud finally hit his 600th. I think the Home Shopping Network was the only station to cut in and cover it.
Posted by: Bob | 2010.08.04 at 05:14 PM
That's because they had a tie in Bob, Slappy McBlue Lipstick, for the discerning man. By Mennen!
Posted by: pseudosanity78 | 2010.08.04 at 06:26 PM
Don't forget the white gloves and matching purse ;O
Posted by: Harwich Rich | 2010.08.04 at 06:46 PM