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Puppy 1, Soxaholix 0

Your omniscient author in absentia:
I'm working from home today as my wife has to attend a workshop; consequently, I'm on puppy duty.

As things go, the little bugger has been bouncing off the walls (quite literally) the past 3 hours and only recently tuckered out and fell asleep.

As a result, I've got nothing this morning.



Thats ok,hb-enjoy it while it lasts ;)

Thats ok,hb-enjoy it while it lasts ;)

Soundlike he's a little pinball pup.

anyone going to see Vermonter's gig at the Pru this saturday?

anyone going to see Vermonter's gig at the Pru this saturday?

Going to the House That Beer Built tonight. First trip to the vomitorium this year. more later



Lovin' the Chuck-meister. That picture (cute!) put into my head a memory of an old SNL bit from waaayyyyyy back in the day with Lorraine Newman hawking "Puppy Uppers" and "Doggie Downers" for your overactive canine.

...and speaking of doggie downers-TO to the Pats?? Only if they suture his mouth shut lol

I'm avoiding The Man here at work. So I can't stay and chat.

I would, Buck, but I'm going to be at Abby's parents Chatham place. Maybe I'll see a Great White eating some seals.

Thanks BWF.

We are also playing Saturday night from 10-12pm on Newbury St. (174, Ben and Jerrys)

It'd be nice to say "hi" to anyone who can make it!

Re: yesterday's Steinbrenner discussion,
I found this pretty funny.

Ha ha ha ha ha @Rob. Sweet pic h.b.- you can never get enough of them at that age. I'll post next week too, but if anyone is in the Seattle area, me and the hubby will be at the series with the Mariners. If anyone's around for a gab and a drink, could be fun. ;)

Ha ha ha ha ha @Rob. Sweet pic h.b.- you can never get enough of them at that age. I'll post next week too, but if anyone is in the Seattle area, me and the hubby will be at the series with the Mariners. If anyone's around for a gab and a drink, could be fun. ;)

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