Not so bullish
Hey, I went to a no-hittah and a hitting stampede broke out.
Now I know why they friggin call it a bullpen – Last night's bottom of the 9th felt like I was running down the streets of Pamplona with the sound of hooves on cobblestone gaining on me.
Hey, Seattle, is that a bull's horn in your pocket are you just glad to see the Red Sox pen?
Seattle's the worst offense in all of baseball and yet that's how it plays out?
Talk about a cry for help. Theo are you listening?
I've got a vision of the future if there isn't some trade deadline movement, and the vision isn't pretty.
Seriously, noir is fine for film and photography, but keep it away from the Red Sox, mmmmm-kay?
It's noir enough that the Citgo sign is going dahk.
Why do these kind of games always seem to happen when the Sox play on the west coast? At around 1:00 AM?
I was so tired, during commercials I flipped to some Celebrity Tonight or Access Warsaw show to stay awake. BTW, did you know that the kid on Two and a Half Men makes $250,000 an episode?
Posted by: Bob | 2010.07.23 at 09:11 AM
how do you lose to a guy with three names from Australia who has been in the Seattle system since 200 with a 6.70 ERA? Ok, technically they didn't lose, but still.
(no disrespect, sdu)
Posted by: louclinton | 2010.07.23 at 09:35 AM
actually, 2000
Posted by: louclinton | 2010.07.23 at 09:36 AM
Did you guys notice that Ralph Houk passed? He was living in Winter Haven, Florida.
Posted by: Billy Mahty | 2010.07.23 at 09:47 AM
Is Eric Gag-me still in the bigs?? just kidding
Posted by: Harwich Rich | 2010.07.23 at 09:50 AM
Born: January 7, 1976 in Montreal, Quebec, CAN
High School: Polyvalente Edouard Montpetit (Montreal, QC)
Signed by the Los Angeles Dodgers as an amateur free agent in 1995. (All Transactions)
Debut: September 7, 1999
Teams (by GP): Dodgers/Brewers/Rangers/RedSox 1999-2008
Agents [?]: Scott Boras
Final Game: September 25, 2008
Posted by: louclinton | 2010.07.23 at 10:15 AM
when the 1 run no hit bid ended, I said thank god now I can sleep. Then saw the news this am and was glad I slept through it. Kind of like how its nice to pass out as opposed to puking then passing out.
Posted by: Jeff in NC | 2010.07.23 at 11:19 AM
+1 on Jeff's comment.
Posted by: Kev | 2010.07.23 at 11:46 AM
Me and the hubby there, thinking the baby was gonna come with no hard labor. Thinking he was going to get his first game in, in a respectable 2 and a half hours. Who knew it was going to be a 4 hour 13-inning shit fest? Me wondering what kind of charges they'd bring me up on for punching the douche behind me in his no-no hole for gooching the no-no starting at the top of the sixth. Powder blue hat wearing wannabe Northwest style guido tosspot.
Posted by: pseudosanity78 | 2010.07.23 at 12:08 PM
damn pseudo - how do you really feel. I'm not feeling it over heaah:)
Posted by: vasoxfan | 2010.07.23 at 12:14 PM
Worst thing? Couldn't have one of those gorgeous $8 beers to calm the nerves cause I was driving. Doing it all again tonight though. Yippee!
Posted by: pseudosanity78 | 2010.07.23 at 01:16 PM
you could have had one $8 beer, no? Its all a matter of proper training I think. Gotta keep the alcoholic training regimen up so you can function properly while sitting, standing, talking, and yes, driving home, with a buzz on. Not advocating drinking and driving per se, but sometimes you just can't leave your car where its parked. and sometimes you're just fucking thirsty and happen to have $8.
Posted by: Jeff in NC | 2010.07.23 at 01:33 PM
$8 beer. Feh. Why not try one of these (which just happen to be the greatest thing ever to spring from mankind's brain):
Posted by: Bob | 2010.07.23 at 01:40 PM
A beer that tastes like whiskey?! Genius. Belushi missed so much going so early.
Someone should give a bottle to MDC. Is in in Pawtucket yet?
Posted by: sonomasox | 2010.07.23 at 02:06 PM
Wink, I'll take the weasel for $765 to win.
Posted by: Jeff in NC | 2010.07.23 at 02:12 PM
Last call's in the 7th, and I needed that damn thing somwhere around the 11th.
Posted by: pseudosanity78 | 2010.07.23 at 02:23 PM
Seattle didn't exist in 200, back then it was the Mediterranean league:
West Division final standings
1) Rome
2) Celtic Barbarians north of hadrian's wall (still better looking than the 1986 celtics)
3) Teutones/Visigoths (present day Germany)
1) Han Dynasty
2) Parthians
3) Hindu Kushians (India)
The World Series did not take place in 200 (Rome vs. Han China) due to team travel difficulties: The Silk Road closed due to Hittite raids.
Posted by: Jason O. | 2010.07.23 at 02:46 PM
I tuned in just before Lackey lost his no hitter.
I stayed through the bottom of the 9th shit show.
I fell asleep in the bottom of the 11th.
I think I'm doing it wrong.
Posted by: Kaz | 2010.07.23 at 02:56 PM
Try changing hands, Kaz.
I've got to go into a nice, long, end-of-the-week meeting now. So refreshing, so enjoyable. Anyway, have a great weekend all. Hopefully we'll have something fun to yak about on Monday.
Posted by: Bob | 2010.07.23 at 03:26 PM
Thanks Jason O.
Posted by: vasoxfan | 2010.07.23 at 04:33 PM
The second half of the season,
Sox in rare form,
Advancing towards fourth,
4.5 games.
Posted by: YourTearsTasteLikeChicken | 2010.07.25 at 07:27 PM