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Let it happy on you

Hey, at least the Sox are winning something. Helps me shake off the DL-induced blues.


Woot! Next up — A Nobel Peace Prize.


Nevah happy are we, Doug?


Are you shitting me? I'm happiah than a skunk drunk Mel Gibson at a bitch in heat beat down.



Give poor Mel a break. I think he is the victim of a Jewish conspiracy.

I'm glad Papi won. He seems to run on emotion and confidence more than anything, so maybe this bodes well for the 2nd half of the season.

On another note, this Saturday, the 17th, I will be playing in front of the Prudential Center (with 2 bandmates) from 2-4. So...feel free...

Pinstripe Alley?????????????? lol

CNN reports that King George has had a massive heart attack. If so, he is probably down for the count.

Yep, yaz, Steinbrenner has left the building.

What do you think they'll put in monument alley to honor him? A big brass mouth that says "You're fired, Billy!" when you push a button? A giant wallet that spews cash after every Skankee home run?

As much as I hate the mfy and the Steinbrenner approach to free agency, I give the man a lot of credit for resurrecting the USOC winter olympics program. RIP George, if it comes to that.

His two kids are real dicks though...

ding dong the witch is dead, the witch is dead, the witch is dead, ding dong...

Yep, Steve the apples did not fall far from the tree.

I think Hank will out do dad by having his first heart attack before age 60.

Will they put him in a glass coffin like Lenin??

I am kinda sad about George. An era comes to an end. Every great epic has a great villian, and he was ne plus ultra. Hank and Hal are kind of Mr. Freeze to George's Joker (or is Penguin a better analogy, I am not the most Batman-savvy and thus killing my own metaphor :)?

I agree with Natalie - it's like when the Soviet Union became friendly, cheerful, we'll-lend-you-a-cup-of-sugar Russia. We lost a great villain to root against. I present the Timothy Dalton/Remington Steele Bond films as state's evidence No. 1. Luckily there is still a roster full of Yankees to despise.

You could make up your own character Nat, DC always seemed to when the occasion called. How about a one who looks like a banana slug on the bottom half and has two heads- a parrot and a hyena? Born of the primordial ooze on lower Ganlaxgor the only thing it does is crap and vomit.

Kind of get the feeling tonight's game is going to be George lovefest??

Great to see Papi win the derby but how many times is Joe Morgan going to call him Jose Ortiz? He did it again last night. He is truly annoying (not only for that but for MANY reasons).

I'm not sure I'm as sentimental as some about George's departure leaving a villain void. It seems that Hal and Hank are still as nutty about winning and could easily fill that void. We'll see if that changes now that Dad's not around, but I doubt it.

I am surprised by the response by some of you guys on Steinbrenner's death. I always consider everyone on this site to be a great bunch of people in which I enjoy reading each others thoughts on all matter of subjects.
I first changed my mind about George when they did the caricature of him on Seinfeld it made me laugh every time and made me realize that all the crap didn't really mean much. Hell, he wanted to win and who can fault him for that. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
In the past week I just had a close family friend pass away so I guess I'm a little sensitive about it.

OK, Go back to your regular scheduled programming.

I am surprised by the response by some of you guys on Steinbrenner's death. I always consider everyone on this site to be a great bunch of people in which I enjoy reading each others thoughts on all matter of subjects.
I first changed my mind about George when they did the caricature of him on Seinfeld it made me laugh every time and made me realize that all the crap didn't really mean much. Hell, he wanted to win and who can fault him for that. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
In the past week I just had a close family friend pass away so I guess I'm a little sensitive about it.

OK, Go back to your regular scheduled programming.

I am surprised by the response by some of you guys on Steinbrenner's death. I always consider everyone on this site to be a great bunch of people in which I enjoy reading each others thoughts on all matter of subjects.
I first changed my mind about George when they did the caricature of him on Seinfeld it made me laugh every time and made me realize that all the crap didn't really mean much. Hell, he wanted to win and who can fault him for that. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
In the past week I just had a close family friend pass away so I guess I'm a little sensitive about it.

OK, Go back to your regular scheduled programming.

Wow, three times. I guess I had something to say.

Sorry about that.

Baseball without the Yankees would be like Casablanca without the Nazis - Steve Capel.

There would have been no Luke Skywalker if there had been no Darth Vader.

Just sayin'.

I don't relish anyone's demise, given that we all face it.

Ok, maybe Robert Byrd.



I'm sorry about your friend, jar, and I personally mean no disrespect to those of George's family and friends that are grieving his loss.

However, he was twice suspended by baseball, once for making illegal campaign contributions to President Nixon and a second time for employing a small-time gambler to dig up information on Winfield. He was also largely responsible for spiraling player salaries when he paid out big bucks for the likes of Catfish Hunter and Reggie Jackson, all the way up through A-Rod and Texeira (sp?). And I'm sorry, but anybody who hires and fires the same man five times is a little strange. When he was at the peak of his boss-dom, he made his employees' lives miserable at times. Yes, he was very charitable with his money, but my point is that he was often not a nice person and I don't think his impact on baseball was overall a positive thing.

OK, all the cartoon/villain analogies are fine and necessary for any decent fiction to have meaning.

But baseball is not fiction (only certain writers make it seem so, CHB) and really does not need a Steinbrenner to make it legitimate. We Boston fans may think so, but I can tell you that Cardinals fans hate the Cubs and Giants fans hate the Dodgers and could give a fuck about anything in the AL, much less the northeast.

Need Steinbrenner? Like WWII wouldn't have been the same without Hitler? (so what if its an overblown analogy) We could do without both and be just fine.

Yes, a guy died and I suppose more than just those two pieces of dick cheese that fell from his loins will actually mourn him, but people die everyday and frankly, better him than one of the good guys. There, I said it.

and if you want a rant in the other direction about how great he was for baseball, i could do that too but all of the "real" writers are already lining up to fellate the guy in his coffin.

sorry @jar, no offense intended too your feeling on this (although am aware i'm being a bastard. i'm in a mood)


Huh, he graduated from Williams College and was a track athlete: http://pittsfield.wnyt.com/content/yankees-owner-local-ties-community-dies


"those two pieces of dick cheese that fell from his loins"! lmao :-)

From what I recall his father was an Olympic hurdler and the fieldhouse at Williams is named after his dad. George noted at the dedication something along the lines of 'pay attention to A students because they will return to become professors but also pay attention to C students because they will return to endow buildings'. Too lazy to google for complete accuracy. And Harwich Rich is right on the money - the All-Star game will be more unbearable than usual. We will probably see teary-eyed Yankees all over the place.

Best post of the year Jeff!


I agree that I will be sick of George at about 7PM CST. Actually I just was on ESPN.com and I think I am already sick of the story.

Is it me or is ESPN just becoming a bigger turd burger every day. They are just so full of themselves.

No, jar, it's not just you. They're among the worst of media whores and that's saying a lot given the stiff competition.

Dickcheese. Heh! Great one, Jeff.

Guess that makes Hal and 'lil Hank "Smegma-brenners"?

Jar, here's a good piece from Matt Taibbi about ESPN's demise: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/matt-taibbi/blogs/TaibbiData_May2010/179533/83512

I love the irony of a Rolling Stone story talking about the demise of ESPN.

That's kind of like Madonna saying Lady GaGa is doing outrageous things just for attention.

Or like Jimmy Carter making fun of Obama's speechifying and finger wagging.

Dying on the day of the all star game to get as much press as possible? Well done Georgie boy. Say hi to Billy Martin for us. (Pffft!)

I stopped subscribing to RS years ago once they started littering the cover (and inside) with television and pop culture flavors of the month - anything besides music (Q, on the other hand, is pretty decent). But I find Taibbi pretty refreshing.

Joe Morgan, "Fashonisto"...give it a rest Joe. It was like he had never seen a pair of cleats with 2 colors on them. wtf was that all about.
Wherever the "Boss" is right now, i'm sure there will be plenty of "calzones: ..from pizanos"

Hamlet would be seriously diminished without the gravedigger; but the gravedigger would be nothing very much without Hamlet.

RIP George.

Is he going to make Jesus cut his hair??

best one yet, HR!

best one yet, HR!

money, HR. Best one yet!

Fuck you, Phil Hughes. You just cost the Red Sox home field advantage in the World Series this year.

It's OK, Kaz. It'll be better to finalize the sweep at home for once!

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