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Leaving the old Dice-K behind?

Behold the Lunah Mothra!


"He was tremendous," Francona said. "First-pitch strikes, 19 of 24. Power to his pitches, slider, cutter. Two walks."


Two walks? Two walks? Srsly?


Dude, Dice is 5-0 this season when walking two or fewah battahs.


Hmmm... call me crazy but maybe, just maybe, there is some sort of, I dunno, "pattern" at work here?


From the artist's brush
A nature scene, growing grass –
Look! It's almost dry.




I'm not going to get too excited just yet thanks

Maybe it's fate that
the moth flies best when
on the Pacific

wait- that second line didn't come out right... take two:

Maybe it's fate that
the moth flies best when he is
on the Pacific

That's what I get for posting pre-coffee!

wait- that second line didn't come out right... take two:

Maybe it's fate that
the moth flies best when he is
on the Pacific

That's what I get for posting pre-coffee!

I am



Just when I thought I was out ... they pull me back in.

A mime says "sanshin"
A beancounter throws a bean
A bore, now bacon.

me too yazbread. But I am a little more positive than my brother who predicted they would be 12.5 ack when they returned from the road trip. It is amazing what this guy can do when he attacks the zone instead of nibbling. Two walks. It was actually fun to watch him.

2 hits, 6 Ks-yes!
and under 3 hours, no less
A's Wake for tonight?

"But, but, but, I'm Lindsay Lohan..."


yes, the mothra was good
E-Pat has wheels like lightning
Ben Sheets is Cy Young?

I really hate pissing on parades but not sure why it took so long to hit Sheets. Was at the game and could nearly finish a beer while the ball was making its way to the plate.

yes, mothra was good
E-Pat has wheels like lightning
Ben Sheets is Cy Young?

I hate pissing on parades but not sure why it took so long to hit BS. Was at the game and could nearly finish a beer while the ball was making its way to the plate.

why the hate typepad?

A hurler named Dice Matsuzaka
Caused tears and occasional laughter.
He was good, it is true,
When he only walked two
His change-up behaving like Kafka.


Ha! Good one SDU.

But just exactly HOW does a change-up act like a cockroach? :-D

Dice-K is the new D-Lowe. Mental faculty and its stability is everything.

Rob - if you were literary critic, I would be TS Eliot.

But you're not.

Rob - if you were literary critic, I would be TS Eliot.

But you're not.

Ha! Peter, the people in the hotel room next to mine have to be wondering what I'm laughing so hard at.

Just remember, those who can't limmerick, teach. Those who can't teach, teach gym. Those who can't teach gym go get their CPA license and consult for a living.


Hey Peter,are those the two fairies from Monster Island at the bottom of that Mothra poster?? just askin' ;O

Not sure if they're fairies, but they're about to get et.

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