The hiatus begins:
The Soxaholix will return in December 2010.
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She loves the bare, the withered tree; She walks the sodden pasture lane.
Posted on 2009.11.16 | Permalink | Comments (124)
We can't wish them away
In his penthouse lair, Marty and a friend enjoy the spoils of victory …
I know, I know it is eminently satisfying.
Order has returned to the universe.
Not only are the Yankees World Champions... again.
But also we once again get to watch the highly entertaining schadenfreude folly known as "Red Sox Try to Sign a Yankee."
It's like Lucy holding the football for poor, dumbass Charlie Brown.
That's right — Never. Gonna. Happen.
But how enjoyable it is to watch the proles aspire to create a roster speckled with those chosen ones who have worn the Pinstripes.
Posted on 2009.11.12 | Permalink | Comments (16)
The devil and idle hands
Nah, nobody here is talking about the Red Sox right now. It's the fallow period.
Oh, you know me.
I'm staying busy by bogahting the dank and fantasizing about Carrie Prajean.
Yeah, that's right... "Daddy's Bible belt is getting really tight, so why don't you saddle on ovah heah and unbuckle it."
Posted on 2009.11.11 | Permalink | Comments (14)
Going fallow
Rider on Green Line:
Hart here on life's long trolley ride.
Rider on Green Line:
"Next stop [garbled] ... [garbled] next stop."
Rider on Green Line:
So over the weekend I had what I think is a phenomenal idea for two new characters whom I think you'll really get a laugh out of.
Rider on Green Line:
Of course, I was especially lazy this weekend, so the ideas didn't go anywhere beyond my gray matter.
Rider on Green Line:
But it'll happen.
Rider on Green Line:
Meanwhile, expect a light week of strips, if any, as I think a lot of ideas can come forth out of a fallow period.
Posted on 2009.11.09 | Permalink | Comments (25)
In the books
Congratulations to the 2009 New York Yankees.
World Series Champions!
May you all get cancah of the balls.
Posted on 2009.11.05 | Permalink | Comments (81)
Palustral Park
You know we bitch about the Pink Hat fans, the bandwagon fans, the guy-on-a-cellphone fans...
But seriously the worst, simply the worst fan of all is the turncoat fan.
And then to explain your treason by saying you've warmed to the Yankees because they are "underdogs"?!?!!?
OMFG I don't even have words for it.
You know aftah reading that crapgasm combined with the Yankees being on the precipice of numbah 27, I really stahting to feel like a frog in a Syliva Plath poem.
Seriously, lots of croak and withah.
The fen sickens.
Our folk thin,
Posted on 2009.11.03 | Permalink
My timing is off
Your omniscient author in absentia:
It's only an hour, but doesn't matter if we're springing ahead or falling back, the hour diff frigs up my routine. And my creativity is inextricably tied to my routine.
So nothing for you today.
Posted on 2009.11.02 | Permalink | Comments (21)
The Soxaholix eBook Spinoff
The captivating and long awaited Soxaholix eBook spinoff is finally available!
There's No Crying in Pocket Pool
Logo t-shirts now available, several colors, even pink.