Not a pretty sight
Marty (Yankees fan):
Hurry! Somebody call "waa!-1-1" for a wambulance!
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Marty (Yankees fan):
Hurry! Somebody call "waa!-1-1" for a wambulance!
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Goodbye Brad Penny...we hardly knew ye.
Posted by: Colin | 2009.08.22 at 09:06 AM
i'm a longtime yankee lurker. just writing to commend you on how funny your strip is. keep up the good work.
Posted by: snowballa | 2009.08.22 at 09:29 AM
hb - love the repetition. very grade schoolish taunting. perfect. Today I feel exactly like the 4th grader on the wrong end of it.
Most runs scored in a Y/RS game ever. So glad to be a fan of the short end of that one. Fuck. Can I have a 1-0 win instead?
Posted by: Jeff in NC | 2009.08.22 at 09:37 AM
and to make it worse, we have to listen to McCarver talk about it all afternoon today
Posted by: buckner was framed | 2009.08.22 at 09:52 AM
it's pretty bad when your sacrificial redneck from the bullpen can't even last more than 2 innings; not only did we lose by 3 field goals, the pen isn't even rested for today's 4 inning starter
Posted by: buckner was framed | 2009.08.22 at 10:19 AM
A Penny for your thoughts.
Posted by: yazbread | 2009.08.22 at 10:33 AM
Posted by: vermonter | 2009.08.22 at 12:27 PM
I won't give a nickel for your Penny.
and, Buckner, what you said.. another way.. it'll be hard to go very far this season when we need to add 2 pitchers together to get one complete start.
Posted by: Jeff in NC | 2009.08.22 at 12:30 PM
I have the fork. Do I stick it in yet?
And yet, and yet, with all that pessimism, when I discovered my ESPN America channel was malfunctioning (and tonight's game is a reasonable 9pm for me), I immediately got on the phone with Sky. Is this what meth addicts feel like?
Posted by: Natalie | 2009.08.22 at 02:30 PM
Don't you people know how this works? We get whomped yesterday. We whomp them today. Tomorrow is a 0-0 16 inning deathmatch where the first team to blink loses.
By the way, we could lose all 3 games this weekend and still hold the tiebreaker against them. They have to win out the rest of the season against us just to take it back (if they end it 9-9 and the vs. division stands as it is today, then we still win the second tiebreaker).
Of course, we'd still have to make up the difference in record for any of that to matter..but it's worth knowing anyways.
Posted by: Kaz | 2009.08.22 at 05:35 PM
Mister Tazawa
Please change our fortunes today. "> Slap me with a fish
Posted by: soxdownunder | 2009.08.22 at 06:35 PM
Hey Mahts, how does that taste?
A team that don't quit, your BRS.
Posted by: louclinton | 2009.08.22 at 07:23 PM
The Yankees pitching staff is invincible. . . unless they're not.
The Sox lineup can't hit. . . unless it can.
Damn, have to keep remembering what a long season it is.
Posted by: Ray in MD | 2009.08.22 at 08:38 PM
Take THAT! Lead the series in runs scored, bitch.
Posted by: Devine | 2009.08.22 at 09:28 PM
Well dang, now its Beckett vs Tons of Fun for the series win. and ole Mahty can stick that in his pipe and smoke it.
I absolutely can't stand McCarver. I dunno how Joe Buck can stand him brining up his pops every single broadcast.
Why do national color guys in general suck? Remy could start a school for all the color guys in the world, RemDawg Enterprizes brings you the RemDawg School of Broadcasting and Color Commentating*
*credits unlikely to transfer to an accredited institution. No refunds.
Posted by: madraider | 2009.08.23 at 02:24 AM
Yes, Remy could teach some lessons with guest lectures by Eck.
There was a time when McCarver was good, but he is flat out old now. He laughs too much, too hard, too purposeful at his own silly analyses. He sounds like an old Pepaw. And his analysis continues to show he is unprepared and has not done his homework on the teams in front of him, on the performance THIS SEASON of these guys. With only one game a week to do, that's pathetic.
Posted by: Jeff in NC | 2009.08.23 at 08:43 AM
It's the 'Curt Gowdy' syndrome. Once the dean of American sportscasters, he was finally shelved due to chronic under-preparedness.
Posted by: yazbread | 2009.08.23 at 09:30 AM
wait, McCarver was good once? He's not as terrible as Joe "Brandon Arroyo" Buck, but he still doesn't pass the "mute test".
Posted by: rolo | 2009.08.23 at 09:57 AM
I'll be at the game tonight.
I'm sorry for those who will be stuck with Joe Morgan instead.
You'll start wishing for McCarver and Buck in the bottom of the first inning.
Posted by: Kaz | 2009.08.23 at 11:51 AM
Keep it classy, Jim Rice:
Posted by: Billy Mahty | 2009.08.23 at 12:40 PM
Yea, I think there was a time when McCarver had good insight and analysis and wasn't so far gone for his era of baseball and his strong preference for NL ball. And he was good for the 6 game a year watching public who aren't up on all of the subtle nuances of the game. He sucks now. In fact I prefer Morgan to McCarver and just about anybody to Buck.
RE: Jim Ed. He can certainly be an opinionated prick, but I'm suspecting that the AP took the juiciest sound bites and reported the quotes out of contect and out of order. I can not find a recap of his actual talk to the LL kids, so can not see what he really said before and after. I'm having trouble thinking he said things the way the AP says he did. About Manny, yes. About Jeter, no.
Posted by: Jeff in NC | 2009.08.23 at 01:57 PM
I prefer McCarver to Morgan, but it's like saying I prefer to die from being crushed by a 10-ton truck instead of being stabbed repeatedly in the ear.
Hawk Harrelson is still worse.
Posted by: Devine | 2009.08.23 at 02:49 PM
McCarver is unlistenable, period. Morgan is goofy, but I like the sound of his voice, at least...
Posted by: Larry Here | 2009.08.23 at 05:51 PM
when mccarver did mets games in the late 80s, he was possibly the best color guy in the game. hard to fathom now, but he was fantastic.
Posted by: redsock | 2009.08.23 at 06:17 PM
I'm a long time Yankee troll. Just want to commend you on how realistic your strip is...
Becket's looking good tonight...
Posted by: BigBri (steroid free and feelin' fine!) | 2009.08.23 at 11:30 PM
Yeah, it's childishness is pretty realistic.
Posted by: Devine | 2009.08.24 at 12:08 AM
Well, "its" childishness. Not that "big"bri really knows the distinction...
Posted by: Devine | 2009.08.24 at 12:09 AM
Funny how Lil Bri only comes out when everyone has left for the night...or is that when Mommy lets you up from the basement?? Bwaaahaahaa!!!
Posted by: Harwich Rich | 2009.08.24 at 12:43 AM