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Feel the tingle?

Oooh. I feel a little tingling in my stomach that can only mean one thing — Wild Cahd Fevah.


Oh, is that what that is? I thought it was the chimichanga I had for lunch.


You know if you take Beckett and Lestah and, ah, ... hmmm, Beckett and Lestah and some other fucking guy and this team is playoff ready.


And by ready I mean, of course, hanging on like a Britney Spears hair extension.


Nice to see Petey back on a majah league by the way.




But here's what I don't get. Theo is willing to take a chance with Smoltz and Penny but with Pedro, one of the greatest pitchers in Red Sox history, he's all, "Meh, not interested"?


Maybe the Sox were weary of Pedro's historical recalcitrance?


Oh. Right. Bettah off with a real magnanimous sort like Smoltz. Real team guy that one.



Love Pedro, but the 2009 vintage would get destroyed by AL lineups. And really, I enjoy having Game 3 in St. Louis be my last memory of him in a Sox uniform.

Not only that, but I think they were worried about the Nelson de la Rosa 'roid scandal

good links, hb

go sox


I watched Pedro pitching for the Mets last year, and if he were back in the AL he'd make Smoltz look like Beckett (with more of a beard).
Can we resign Bay before the season ends and the MFY toss a subway car full of money at him?

I'll have to agree about not seeing the difference between Pedro and the Penny/Smoltz dynamic duo, but my answer is not to go get a broken down good for 3-4 games before DL Pedey, but instead to stop going to get the geriatric injury ridden stars of the past. We should make it even and not have any of them. There's a reason Penny, Smoltz and Pedey were available.

BTW, it was great to see Remy last night. Glad he didn't cry in the booth.

Now on to the Clay Buttholes show tonight. Offense better hit the fuck outta the ball.

I hear you guys re NL vs AL, but isn't there one problem with that line of reasoning?

John Smoltz -- spent entire career before BOS in NL.

Brad Penny -- spent entire career before BOS in NL.

Takashi Saito -- spent entire career before BOS in NL.

Was at the game last night. The Remy ovation was really moving. One of the great 'welcome back' moments.

Off to Copperfield's Down Under to meet up with SDU soon.

Oh, and some woman named Abby.

I want Pedro on the roster for the simple fact that he can toss some fuckers down when it comes time to throw punches, videlicet: the Youk show the other night.

Bob's coming, Abby? Much thanks to the surly but generous one for the tickets. Last night was fun except that the game was over in a mere three hours. Scarcely enough time to sober up.

Game time in 2 hours. Get your Gameday Audio ready at work.


Da Kine, I have had lots of smiles wearing my 'SOX FAN BEING A SOX FAN' Kin-T. 'OK' also remains popular. I had to retire the Viva El Papi pending the outcome of senate hearings.

Les Paul is dead. Rock n Roll would not be what it is without him.


Manny's Kidz have all been burned, but I still support Papi.

re: geriatrics...King Felix looked good last night. Might be a good addition: R-L-R (Beckett, Lester, Felix)

Gameday audio in the office just doesn't work for me. damn office.

Apparently, not all the Yankees are assholes. Really, this is a great story.

Now that's something fun to yak about

Verlander is still hitting 98-100 mph on pitch # 120+...

Sick. Just sick.

Yeah,I'm all a-tingle :((

Sorry,just tired of seeing Papi K 3 times in a game.

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