Still working through vacation lag
How about that —
Lugo plays the hero role in the 11th.
Yeah, it's the broken watch is correct twice a day axiom in play.
his tenure with the Red Sox just hasn't worked out.>
Meanwhile, don't look now but the
Yankees have won 7 straight.
And so it goes — The Yankees are streaky but flawed, I'll eat lunch, and
Youks is bettah than Tex.
I got nothing today. Except a hangover and, for some reason, a troll doll in my laptop case.
Posted by: Bob | 2009.07.02 at 09:24 AM
I saw on Spohtscentah that the All-Star managers can pick a 33rd player for the team - most likely a pitcher - to guard against extra innings like last time. Anyone think TB's manager would pick our own Timmuh for that spot?
Posted by: da kine | 2009.07.02 at 09:27 AM
fuck the yankees.
have a nice weekend.
Posted by: louclinton | 2009.07.02 at 09:28 AM
I think of Lugo last night as a blind squirrel finding a nut.
Amen, lc. Happy 4th, all! Hope you actually get some decent weather for the fireworks/bbqs etc. I myself am off to Malta. God bless Ryan Air, man.
Posted by: Natalie | 2009.07.02 at 09:38 AM
Yankees going streaky? about Boston plays them again and let's see how streaky they get.
Posted by: Colin | 2009.07.02 at 09:43 AM
July looks to be the easiest part of the schedule. I don't think the Sox can win the division in July, but they certainly can lose it.
Posted by: yazbread | 2009.07.02 at 09:50 AM
Have some capers for me on Malta, Natalie. (Had an old girlfriend who is from the island. And by "old," I don't mean from the past. I mean elderly.)
Posted by: Bob | 2009.07.02 at 09:52 AM
" about Boston plays them again and let's see how streaky they get." Exactly my thoughts.
Posted by: Billy Mahty | 2009.07.02 at 10:18 AM
Ain't baseball great? Lugo hits a weak ground ball that gets through only because the infield is playing in, and he's the hero. Meanwhile, did Ellsbury do anything last night? I can't seem to remeber... All I can see is Lugo Lugo Lugo...
And excuse me, Mr. Bay, but you better fix your shit, and fast.
Posted by: Go Sox. Go Heels. Yankees suck. Dook sucks. | 2009.07.02 at 10:35 AM
Of course Billy, since the Yanks were coming into Fenway hot, only to have their hopes curbstomped. :3
Posted by: Colin | 2009.07.02 at 10:38 AM
@Natalie - Is RyanAir charging for in flight restroom usage yet?
Posted by: Matt of CT | 2009.07.02 at 10:38 AM
Not sure, Matt. Last I heard the CEO had been screamed out of town for the suggestion, but in this day and age...??? Wouldn't surprise me... They charged me a pound to get an email confirmation of my itinerary, and I had to hunt to find where to turn off the 20 pound travel insurance. It's an interesting ad hoc system.
Posted by: Natalie | 2009.07.02 at 11:05 AM
give Bay a break - he's been studying for the citizenship exam.
Think he'll pull a ManRam and run out to LF w/ a flag?
Happy 4th everyone.
Does Ryan Air still provide complimentary issues of Playboy? Love Europe.
Posted by: sonomasox | 2009.07.02 at 12:40 PM
They salt mine overlords are letting us out a little early today, so have a great long weekend all.
Hopefully we'll have something fun to yak about on Monday.
Posted by: Bob | 2009.07.02 at 02:44 PM
Technically it's a stopped watch that's right twice a day. A broken watch can be wrong forever.
Posted by: Marci | 2009.07.02 at 07:51 PM
Technically, a broken watch that isn't stopped would be right every once in a while. A watch that is wrong forever would have to be keeping good time.
Posted by: 80s Parisian | 2009.07.02 at 10:06 PM
Best bead ever is in Malta. All crust, no dough. Makes your gums bleed.
Remember... If you have a Fifth on the 4th you won't go forth on the 5th.
Posted by: Lazlo Freem | 2009.07.02 at 11:32 PM