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Still working through vacation lag

How about that — Lugo plays the hero role in the 11th.


Yeah, it's the broken watch is correct twice a day axiom in play.


his tenure with the Red Sox just hasn't worked out.>


Meanwhile, don't look now but the Yankees have won 7 straight.


And so it goes — The Yankees are streaky but flawed, I'll eat lunch, and Youks is bettah than Tex.



I got nothing today. Except a hangover and, for some reason, a troll doll in my laptop case.

I saw on Spohtscentah that the All-Star managers can pick a 33rd player for the team - most likely a pitcher - to guard against extra innings like last time. Anyone think TB's manager would pick our own Timmuh for that spot?

fuck the yankees.

have a nice weekend.


I think of Lugo last night as a blind squirrel finding a nut.

Amen, lc. Happy 4th, all! Hope you actually get some decent weather for the fireworks/bbqs etc. I myself am off to Malta. God bless Ryan Air, man.

Yankees going streaky?

Well...how about Boston plays them again and let's see how streaky they get.

July looks to be the easiest part of the schedule. I don't think the Sox can win the division in July, but they certainly can lose it.

Have some capers for me on Malta, Natalie. (Had an old girlfriend who is from the island. And by "old," I don't mean from the past. I mean elderly.)

"...how about Boston plays them again and let's see how streaky they get." Exactly my thoughts.

Ain't baseball great? Lugo hits a weak ground ball that gets through only because the infield is playing in, and he's the hero. Meanwhile, did Ellsbury do anything last night? I can't seem to remeber... All I can see is Lugo Lugo Lugo...

And excuse me, Mr. Bay, but you better fix your shit, and fast.

Of course Billy, since the Yanks were coming into Fenway hot, only to have their hopes curbstomped. :3

@Natalie - Is RyanAir charging for in flight restroom usage yet?

Not sure, Matt. Last I heard the CEO had been screamed out of town for the suggestion, but in this day and age...??? Wouldn't surprise me... They charged me a pound to get an email confirmation of my itinerary, and I had to hunt to find where to turn off the 20 pound travel insurance. It's an interesting ad hoc system.

give Bay a break - he's been studying for the citizenship exam.

Think he'll pull a ManRam and run out to LF w/ a flag?

Happy 4th everyone.

Does Ryan Air still provide complimentary issues of Playboy? Love Europe.

They salt mine overlords are letting us out a little early today, so have a great long weekend all.

Hopefully we'll have something fun to yak about on Monday.

Technically it's a stopped watch that's right twice a day. A broken watch can be wrong forever.

Technically, a broken watch that isn't stopped would be right every once in a while. A watch that is wrong forever would have to be keeping good time.

Best bead ever is in Malta. All crust, no dough. Makes your gums bleed.

Remember... If you have a Fifth on the 4th you won't go forth on the 5th.

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